Monthly Archives: September 2009

Jovita Gonzáles 8th comment

In A Scotch Paisano in Old Los Angeles1 a seldom researched area is taken to task, namely, that of assimilation of Anglos in what is a predominantly Spanish-Mexican dominated territory era. Anglos converted to Catholicism and abade by Hispanic customs. … Continue reading

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Al novomigrante o advenidizo Entre la mar y los cielos aguardo no sé; vienen o van, pero ambos direcciones diferentes turnos tuercen. Esos cíºmulos llevan prisa esas olas estruendos de fuerza demuestran. Y suspiro al vivir de nuevo la mar … Continue reading

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Jovita Gonzáles 7th comment

Carmen Fought has done a remarkable job by giving us a structured form of ChE. I haven’t read Chicano English in Context through and through though but I have stopped in certain passages where my eyes have noticed the value … Continue reading

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Me da cierta alegría poder leer de vez en cuando por ahí comentarios de gente de habla hispana que sienta pena por abrir un blog, me da curiosidad que quieran esconderse detrás del anonimato, aventar una mensaje electrónico y querer … Continue reading

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Beware of camping Latinos

Forest Service warns Coloradans: Beware of camping Latinos By John Tomasic 8/28/09 6:41 PM In a presentation on recent discoveries of major marijuana-cultivation operations in Colorado, the U.S. Forest Service said it suspected an international cartel was behind the state’s … Continue reading

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Jovita Gonzáles 6th comment

By mistake I wrote Dew of the Thorn and once realizing my mistake I came upon a significance for the title of the book. I realized that dew is one of those things that is reminiscent of a new start. … Continue reading

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Jovita Gonzáles Fifth comment

I have fallen in love with page 150 of Dew on the Thorn by Jovita Gonzáles1. It’s a chapter entitled The New Leader and it’s about the second Fernando of the Olivares family, born 1871. He is a half gringo … Continue reading

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Jovita Gonzáles Fourth comment

The authority of Tío Esteban, the new mail carrier, in “a forlorn-looking two wheeled vehicle” is an interesting passage. There is a palpable break. A sign that the Usted and tíº borderlines of the Spanish language have ceased to permeate … Continue reading

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A ser verdad me encuentro sumamente aburrido. Aburrido porque no tengo material para escribir. Me hace falta material. Desde hace mucho que dejé de sentir entusiasmo por escribir y yo le hecho la culpa a la falta de alcohol o … Continue reading

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