Monthly Archives: April 2014


Alienation, a sociological concept developed by several classical and contemporary theorists, Eric Fromm being one of them. [Alienation is brought upon] by a low degree of integration or common values and a high degree of distance or isolation between individuals, … Continue reading

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The many ifs take a morning shower ahead

Shadows that draw their/lines/ dig profound as if years could flow or bank onto shores of yore (whose face?/) Mark routes accordingly to sidewinding wrinkles in the background African beats Asia Claims too the drumbeat . We are to believe … Continue reading

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You would think

Y’oud think/a grain of dust/carrying/The light of a sunray/floating about/this late april 23rd afternoon/ giving notice of itself/would arose suspicion/as insignificant it may seem/for some reason or 2/ yet/as it floats/ in the stillness of a quiet 1900 hour/this meridian … Continue reading

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pesudo-soniquetes matutinos

Hay sonidos que solo la soledad sabe de ellos. Como el ruido que mi refrigerador hace cuando todo estalla en silencio. O luces que nunca te imaginas que vislumbran tanto como la luz azul del standby de la tele o … Continue reading

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Esta mañana

Con los sonidos de House/Mi estómago tiene exasperación/Por falta de imaginación/ Aguardo/Esta mañana/Un sin fin de especulaciones/La guerra comienza/ Inicio/Fatal/Para el bienestar del Yo/Insisto en dejar fluir las cosas/ Sin teñirles de prejuicios o lo que podrá ser/Un día sin … Continue reading

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El mentado Gabo

Tengo insomnia. A estas horas que escribo esto estoy con pachita en mano y repensando los aconteceres de hace unas horas. Me dormí temprano. Así que desperté igual, temprano. Al dormir, en mis sueños, feneció Gabriel García Márquez. Lo supe … Continue reading

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In this age of the Now, going back in history to explain the far past in the perfect tense is tantamount to explaining slingshots to the new generation. It’s hard to compete with the selfie world why Ukraine matters to … Continue reading

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Entrada 34. Lunes. Año lunar chino. Las cosas que pueden pasar con el tiempo. Por ejemplo, no dejarme en paz, ni permitirme perdonarme a mí mismo. Sentir mi humanidad sin conflictos, dejar que las cosas fluyan. No soy el mejor … Continue reading

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You try to shake it but it comes back. It’s nagging comments its persistence about the future its nack for stating the obvious Its not really a voice but a silent nagger who reminds you what you don’t have. Its … Continue reading

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Crespíºsculo del sol de la medianoche

Ever seen how the sun hits the branches of the pine tree? How it shines on the windows facing NE the shadows with patches of the NE sun sparkling dew as if the day was setting or a dawn arriving … Continue reading

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