Monthly Archives: January 2015


When the isolation lifts its mantle Which surrounds my love life, Will I see thee lurking about? Wont you expect too Who yearned for you? Whilst I carry this heavy darkness Woe is me! for I want your arms around … Continue reading

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Oh Captain

Oh Captain, wert are thou? I blame everyone except the vessel I am supposed to navigate I blame the waters and the wind the forces that push the sails Oh Captain, thou shrinketh from thy duty Tis not the One … Continue reading

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Aíºn no

I felt Untold Emotions Rush Like a Chinese water drop torture Down My Skin . Yearning To feel Pain To connect Somehow. Then I thought. I hurt yet

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“Never would Kazuo forget the flash of piercing light, which might of have been reflected from the flat of some enormous, polished, naked sword, nor the dull reverberation far away, Do … doo … which as it drew close was … Continue reading

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August Strindberg: Frí¥n Fjí¤rdingen och Svartbí¤cken

August Strindberg: Frí¥n Fjí¤rdingen och Svartbí¤cken- Studier vid Akademien. 1ra publicación: 1877. Ubicación geográfica de las novelas: Uppsala. Libro que leí. Ví¥rt Hems Fí¶rlag Stockholm 1930 í…hlén & Holms Boktryckeri. Habrá que notar que Fjí¤rdingen y Svartbí¤cken som dos partes … Continue reading

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