
Dentro de la lengua castellana moderna, esa global, la del dí­a de hoy, la que no tiene lazos umbilicales con ningún paí­s es interesante el fenómeno del género en los artí­culos el, la ; las contracciones como al, del ; pronombres personales como él, ella.

Me doy cuenta de ello al escribir. El iman que produce en la lengua es excepcional. Son palancas direccionales que guí­an el camino de la frase, la oración, traban la mente, hacen alto en cuanto menos esperas y pueden cambiar totalmente el mensaje.

Se sabe de antemano que este fenómeno es visible en la lengua pero sentirlo en la mente, saborearlo lingíüí­sticamente es, interesante.

Reconquista now!

Ahh, namás pa’ eso me gustaban ’ijos de su rechingada m…

Juan Luis Cebrián, el Conquistador El sueño de Juan Luis Cebrián es crear una gran cadena internacional de radio en español en toda América, de norte a sur, con un socio norteamericano que permita a Prisa entrar en el gran mercado hispano y aporte músculo financiero. El Conquistador, le apoda un artí­culo publicado en Business Week esta semana.

Lo que más me cae de a madres es que estos tipejos se alzan el puto cuello al sólo decir Conquistador, como si la historia en México todaví­a no estuviere por acabarse, si supieren que la sangre corre aún fresca por el Zócalo y todas las calles ’on hay mexicanos.

Those were the days

Little did I know I was living the good times, back when I was an undocumented alien in Califas though I felt the same way that this dude down here is feeling I could do basically anything I wanted. Nada me detení­a, in comparison …

Though I do not deny my roots and where I come from, I can only say that Mexico is not my home country. I have been a victim of identity theft because my boundaries have been determined by a sheet of paper and not by the customs, tradition and language that I mirror.

My undocumented status impedes me from entering a university, driving, boarding an airplane, crossing the boarder to visit my father, and even simple things as to open a bank account, rent movies, and enter night clubs because these actions require a federal ID or a social security number.

Am in!

Concuerdo con Neri, filósofo excepcional, joven, inteligente y de Tijuana. Si trajeron a Giullani y le dieron ”450 millones de pesos [y de los nuevos, dirí­a Doña Julia] que recibió el grupo Giuliani sólo por aprender el “modus operandi” de la delincuencia del D.F” deberí­an de otorgarles otros 450 sólo para aprender el modus operandi del mal poder, producir un organigrama de la corrupción que mantiene al mal poder en el poder y sacarlos de ahí­,¡cuanto antes! No estarí­a mal pues implementar un Cero Tolerancia dentro de las instituciones de la República también …

Otros filósofos tijuanenses:

L’Ecriture Philosophique
Inflections on Being
Filosofí­a dela Música

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Interesting comparisons

For a nice recap of mexican history in California I suggest to take a read at this …

The premise that the Akaka Bill would open the doorway to Mexican claims for establishing the nation of Aztlan engendered a huge and unforeseen response. As would be expected there were supporters and detractors to the idea. Based upon the content of the responses a number of issues should probably be clarified.

First is the actual Akaka Bill itself. It strictly defines who qualifies to be considered “native Hawaiian” and whether or not a person will be included on the “roll” of those eligible for that status. The wording of the bill makes the nature of that eligibility abundantly clear.

El Gíüero taquero de la quinta el Malecón II

De por cierto, la primera vez que vi al Gíüero el taquero en acción no fue haciéndola de DJ sino de lanzador. Sus habilidades para lanzar bolas fue apreciada desde que lo wacharon unos compas jugar cesta punta atrás de la RCN, cerca del Jai Alai. El morro utilizaba la chistera con suficiente gracia como para verle potencial en el tráfico de mota. El morro se juntaba con otros del dauntaun de tj para practicar el juego vasco desde muy plebe. Una vez bien punto pedos me mostró una de las pelotas. Era de cuero de cabra negra y también me mostró varias cicatrices en su testa por bolas mal recibidas, pesa 128 gramos me dijo mientras sostení­a la pelota en su mano, su vista perdida en una copia de ”Joueurs de chistera” pintado por Ramiro Arrue.

Se apareció de la nada, pensé que ni me conocí­a y así­, de repente estaba con él rumbo a la Mesa en su Chevy 57. Se paró un rato para admirar el cereso de la Mesa mejor conocido como la Pinta o el pueblito entre la raza. Esperó, sonó un Sanyo digital a las 8:34 de la noche y giró el volante para darle un volteón a las paredes del pintón, sacó su chistera hecha a mano en México que recibió de regalo de uno de sus parientes allá de Durango. Me gustó porque tení­a una plaquita con la cara de Gantxiki de Iturbide, un cuanto ya gastado el mimbre. Sacó la mano con la chistera puesta por la ventana y detuvo el ranflón exactamente 30 segundos, nada más para agarrar vuelo dijo, y voló la pelota, llena de yesca me imaginé.

Miré como la pelota se perdí­a en la oscuridad, y antes de darme cuenta si cayó del lado en que debí­a ya estábamos rumbo a la Cacho.

**for a great story almost from the horses’ mouth check this page out, retells an iside tale of Jai alai in Tijuana. Más aquí­: 1

History of Tijuana Jai Alai
Ever since Fronton Palacio Tijuana Jai Alai first opened in 1947, many different players have come and gone; changes to the building have been made; fires, players strikes, closings and other events have occurred over the last 51 years, but one thing has remained constant: Aldo. Aldo has been a loyal employee of Tijuana jai alai since its grand opening in 1947 and is the most familiar face in the building. Fans that have not attended the jai alai games for a period of years can always know that Aldo will still be there to catch them up on lost time. Through out the years, Aldo has seen many amazing things at the fronton, seen some of the best players, best players managers, many famous celebrities from past and present. So who best to ask about the History of Tijauna’s most famous landmark than Aldo himself. The 66 year old Tijuana native took the time to sit with me for an exclusive one on one interview regarding his experiences and views towards the future of jai alai in Tijuana.

DAVID: Aldo, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. How would you describe your 51 years with the jai alai.

ALDO: You are very welcomed. My 51 years with this establishment have been more than memorable. I have met some of the most interesting people and seen some very famous faces here. It is always nice to have people come in and recognize me from previous visits.

D: Which famous faces have you seen here?

A: I have met with some very famous american icons. Some include actor Mickey Rooney, Former San Diego Padre Dave Winfield, Former ”Leave it to Beaver” star Tony Dow, ”The Duke” John Wayne, Clark Gable, Victor Maturi, Jack Palance to name a few.

D: Who in your mind is the best player you have ever seen?

A: A player by the name of Guillermo Amochastegui back in the early 50’s. This man had it all. He had the hardest back hand that I have ever seen, he could score on the rebote, even though he never dove. Words cannot describe Gullermo’s game.

D: Who do you think is the best player that has played in Tijuana in recent memory?

A: That is a tough question. There have been many great players here recently. Dania back courter Felix is right up there. He played here in 1990-1991. He had one of the hardest and well placed right sides tat I have ever seen. He was a great partner for any front courter, very dependable. Another player that comes to mind is another Dania back court, Yannel (88-89 and 92-97). Yannel, to me, was an average singles player, but one of the best doubles player I have ever seen. He is not a very flashy player, no big right side power, but he was like a vacuum when he caught. He was fundamental, setting up his front court to finish points. But the player I think that stands out as the best player to have played here in recent memory is Milford front court Zabala (1989). Zabala was smart, strong, dominant. He had an incredible stint here, posting close to a .300 win percentage, and approximately a .650 in the money. He was very impressive.

D: Who was the best player manager in Tijuana history?

A: Alberdi, no doubt about it. He was a firm man, emphasizing discipline at all times. He was also a ” players” manager, and by that i mean that the players loved him, and played their hearts out for him night after night. He was a great professor of the game, always teaching even the oldest dogs new tricks.

D: Tell me about the fire in 1956?

A: Sad, sad day. I had felt that a part of me had died. My loyalty for this building, for the game was just as strong then as it is now. I thought it was all over. But when I saw the strength and courage of Mariano Escobedo Sr., I knew that this building would be as good as new.

D: Tell me about Mariano Escobedo Sr.?

A: Mr. Escobedo was a man of vision, strength, courage, dedication, hard working, ambitious, Mariano was a fighter. He had a passion for this sport that I had never seen before. He made jai alai in Tijuana possible. Hopefully, someone like him can take over the jai alai again.

D: What do you think was Tijuana jai alai’s highest point?

A:From day one in 1947 ’til about the late 60’s. During all of those years, Tijuana jai alai was the best show in the country. The jackpots were unreal. The crowds were always a capacity and the noise was deafening. What I wouldn’t give to have those days back. The were incredible.

D: What year do you think Tijuana had its best roster?

A:In 1965, Tijuana had an incredible roster with players such as the Guara brothers, Urcola brothers, Echeverria, ”the big Cuban” Frias, ”Chato” Larrinaga, and their players manager was Pedro Garate.

D: With players like Zada, Beto, Gallardo, Hector, Valdez, who do you think was/is the best local jai alai player to come out of Tijuana?

A:With out a doubt, Valdez. Juan Valdez was an amazing player. He had a very strong wrist, he was tall standing at about 6’1, he had a great fore hand rebote, and he was smart and patient. He had an unusual combination of size and finesse.

D: Who do you think is Tijuana’s best prospect right now?

A: That is tough. There are many good prospects here. Felipe Osuna (Felipe, age 25) is a very solid and strong back courter with lots of tools and experience. He turned pro in 1988, yet he is still only 25! Felipe has a very hard right and left, and the ability to turn the most difficult catch in to an offensive shot. Manuel Ramirez (Manuel, 19) could be a good front man if he set his mind to it, but he still needs to learn a lot about character. Manuel does poses a good costado and good catching ability, and his style is very smooth. I think that David Perez (Armenta, 21) will one day be great. The kid has a lot of tools, very raw tools. The kid has the heart of a lion, and the ability and desire to help him become one of Tijuana’s best players. Armenta has a good costado that he can trow in many different directions, one of the best fore hand rebotes of recent memory, and he has no fear. That I think is what gives him the edge over all the other young players here.

D: Tell me about Caliente. How would you describe their performance running the fronton during their tenure from 1992 to 1998?

A: They could have done a better job with the fronton. They did do a good job of bringing in many good young prospects that later turned out to be great players. Beitia (Dania 93-present) was one, Echave (Dania 93-96), Azpiri and Aspillaga (Orlando 93-present), Enrique, Chauderon, Iriondo,( Tampa 95-98 and Ocala-Ft. Pierce 98-present) and Barrena (Tampa 95-96, Miami 97-98 and Ocala 98-present). To me though, it seems as if they gave up on jai alai all of a sudden.

D: What do you think the future has in store for Tijuana jai alai?

A:The future seems dim. There doesn’t seem to be much to look forward to except for history to repeat itself.

D:When do you plan to retire?

A: Probably in the year 2020 or on the second coming of Christ. But then again, I think working in the year 2020 is asking too much 🙂

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de linchamientos democráticos

So la democracia. Aunque la prensa mexicana no le guste tratar temas de nuestro vecino paí­s en lo que se refiere a cuestiones democráticas hay algunas acciones dignas de emulación pues es de admirarse cómo es que nuestros vecinos practican la democracia. Esto me vino a mente recientemente porque estuve atento a un proceso que se llevo acabo en el senado de los EEUU. Se trataba de pedir perdón a los afroamericanos porque el senado estadunidense nunca legisló una ley que prohibiera linchamientos de negros allá en aquel paí­s Imperialista.

Leyendo a Daily Kos y Agonist el proceso de guardar sus observaciones adquiere un tinte de emoción inesperado, hacen lo que nosotros sólo decimos cuando amenazamos: me las vas a pagar y lo guardan todo para un rainy day como dicen los gabachos.

Resulta que una propuesta como esa, la de pedir perdón, uno bien cabrí­a pensar que serí­a una cuestión sin mayores repercusiones hoy en dí­a pero se observa que nuestro paí­s vecino aún tiene problemas con el racismo a pesar de tener ya varios personajes en el gobierno de color y el alarde que algunos polí­ticos afroamericanos hicieron cuando Fox, con su caracterí­stica manera de hablar habló sobre ellos. No todos firmaron la acta de perdon hacia los afroamericanos y eso ha hecho preguntarse a varios de los blogueros antes mencionados preguntarse quienes no lo hicieron para utilizarlo después como arma durante tiempos de elecciones.

Lo curioso de todo esto es como lo senadores estadunidense son amenazados electoralmente ya que si no cumplen con ciertos criterios democráticos simplemente no son reelegidos y su reputación de democratas queda tiznada. Bien fuere así­ en México, sé que podrí­a bien investigar quién es mi representante en el Senado Mexicano, (tengo doble ciudadaní­a) pero la cuestión es que no lo tengo en la cabeza como deberí­a de ser, los senadores mexicanos están lejos de sentirse amenazados por sus constituyentes como lo son allá en los EEUU cosa que es de admirarse entre los gabachos porque ellos sí­ saben quienes lo representan en su senado.

La verdad sea dicha, México dizta mucho de ser una democracia participativa.

* Es esto a lo que me refiero, leyendo una nota del el Universal donde se habla de legisladores del paí­s se nota la ausencia de las respectivas entidades que representan, esos nombres ahí­, para mi, siguen de igual en lo oscuro que antes, quienes son y de donde? amén de saber ahorita, habrá que hacer una investigación en internet.

Where not in Kansas anymore

According to Oppenheimer Rice committed a major faux paux. Well, least to say I missed yet nunca es tarde to delight in those little things that jar that ajarred door in relations between anglos and latinos in the USA.

Lo único que pasará a la historia de la reciente asamblea de la Organización de Estados Americanos en Florida no tiene nada que ver con lo que se discutió en la reunión, sino que será lo dicho por la secretaria de Estado de Estados Unidos, Condoleezza Rice, cuando se excusó por tener que irse antes de tiempo: “Tengo que regresarme a Estados Unidos”, explicó.

Condoleezza se aprestaba a viajar de Florida a Washington. Cuando se bajó del podio y algunos diplomáticos latinoamericanos le recordaron con sorna que Fort Lauderdale —la ciudad donde se estaba realizando la reunión— y la vecina Miami todaví­an están en Estados Unidos, Rice levantó las cejas y se rió con ellos, según me contaron más tarde dos diplomáticos latinoamericanos testigos de la escena.

If Condi did indeed say that it would be an oddly rare display of discomfort, like being at a house of relatives where you don’t really want to be at.

In essence and a quick translation, what the passage says is that Condoleezza Rice said during the OAS meeting in Fort Lauderdale that she was headed to the US, a quip that some diplomats didn’t let her slip so easy and sarcastically reminded her that she was already in the US. Hmmm, one wonders if this will be picked up elsewhere, this is hilarious.


Todo indica que así­ es, los famosos escritores de la Narrativa del Norte, Rafa, BR, Quimerista Crosthwaite, Hyepez y otros en la bloguesefera tijuanense no son escritores con compromiso porque le sacan. Se refugian en la ficción de lo cotidiano. No hablan ni toman el papel de escritor en serio, en mi varrio les dirí­an culones, chavalas o niñas pero como mi varrio no distinguió por su afan literario más allá de perder el tiempo en la librerí­a del Gil leyendo novelas de vaqueros, Memí­n pingíüí­n, o Alarma!, pues ni en cuenta.

Estos escritores no opinan ni dan a saber el acontecer del estatus de Tijuana, ni dibujan el miedo, o aclaran con su imaginación las faltas de visión en una ciudad tan pujante como Tijuana ni mucho menos delatan, no sé, francamente de donde sacan esas pinches mamadas de que son escritores además de toda la jiña que tiran por dizque ser eso, ’escritores’, y dizque hasta universales cuando más lejos de la verdad no pueden estar. Carecen de una conciencia social y estan llenos de la cultura selfpromotion, no les importa nada más que su propia fama y no quieren ni saber de lo que ocurre en Tijuana a pesar de que allí­ viven y es por Tijuana por lo que son famosos, ni mucho menos aportan visiones alternas al presente modelo.

Se merecen bien el tí­tulo de pseudo intelectuales, triste es la la historia literaria de Tijuana pues.

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