Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Swedish rants

  • non possumus esse certi de exauditione

    I’ve lived in Sweden for well over 27 years now and my colleagues, right around these xmas seasons, still ask me how’s it like in México. Which I really don’t mind at all. I usually answer to the best of my abilities to which I, much to my chagrin, fail miserably at describing what it…

  • death by any other means in retrospect: one year ago II

    While on the cot reposando as we say in Spanish, it never occurred to me to have visitors. It was always others worried about it and I suppose I got caught in that current of thought. Suffice to say I had none who worried in earnest about my state of well being, as I recall,…

  • death by any other means in retrospect: one year ago

    Apparently I was about to die. Yes, you read that right. I am a living miracle of sorts. Befuddled as I am byt he whole experience, I am a walking question mark aloof in an unreal world were Mr. Trump reigns at his whims, democracy is practically dead because the rich own the rule book…

  • siempre en mi mente

  • Anomalies

    Anomalies are those things that do not just veer off into the unknown causing major friction in chartered and metered courses. They are in and by their own right natural occurrences that sometimes allow us to change course or make us stop right in our tracks. One of these phenomenas in language learning is the…

  • Insight

    I don’t consider myself a man of God though I like to think that whatever communion I hold with higher powers at least is in the vicinity of God. Though I haven’t specified what sort of God you and I tend to think of the same God, this is English and English speaking people, for…

  • I went to a festival in my small town Sweden were I in turn came under the influences of the spirits. Everybody knows everybody here. Now, am not trying to excuse the fact I behaved inappropriately at the festival, although I haven’t even described this inappropriateness it goes to show how weird this whole charade…

  • Cold

    I met this guy at work who had suffered a heart attack at least a year or two ago. He was a lot more plump and filled in his face then when I first caught eye of him which then I thought he was too skinny in his upper cranial self then the rest of…

  • A mil thangs

    There are like a million things going on in my life. Worst yet my immigrant status in Sweden isn’t helping at all. The way I compare and contrast makes the lens I view the Swedish landscape with rather dirty, lopsided and at best old and worn out outlooks. Yet by my own standards, I have…

  • losing myself/uncovering the new

    Am finally losing it. I really thought I could keep up with the charade my persona displays in the everyday here in the Swedish Highlands. This charade, this coraza or core that shields me from the rest of society is slowly showing signs of fractures, small fissures here and there that allow the Stranger outside…