Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Metalinguistics

  • ambiguo

    Nothing brings me more joy to my hearts delight then when I confuse people about my ethnicity. I just love it. I will give an example of said ventures of mine that tickles my belly silly. I recently came across a Spaniard and spoke only English with him. He asked me where I was from,…

  • ambigíüo

    Nothing brings me more joy to my hearts delight then when I confuse people about my ethnicity. I just love it. I will give an example of said ventures of mine that tickles my belly silly. I recently came across a Spaniard and spoke only English with him. He asked me where I was from,…

  • Be careful what you wish for

    Uno de esos deseos que uno se carga en el consciente se ha hecho presente. Tengo varios dí­as deseando alejarme del blog en español. Y estos dí­as los dí­as pasan sin que me detenga a detentar la idea de que así­ ha sido últimamente. Otras ideas me roban la atención, energí­a y lo peor, la…

  • L

    English. Every time I look at this blog am embarrassed by the amount of posts. 450 with this one. In Spanish I have about a thousand more plus that. I guess that explains a few things. When there is nothing to tell in English the flow stops. I believe that. I have failed to use…

  • Haven’t just

    I seem to recall Bartleby, that old Melville character that so baffles many of us in this so called modern world, whenever I cherish the idea of entertaining thoughts on Chicanismo. I feel am so way beyond that that the mere thought entails and automatic I prefer not to. I believe I have lost my…

  • Malinche, pocho, ¿y qué compa?

    Me reclamaron. Que ’ora sí­ la regué. Quezque no hay retorno ya. Que de pocho no me bajaran. Les digo, soy limpio y libre de la ideologí­a prí­ista desde hace años y hasta que uso un puto discurso donde tomo distancia de los mí­os descubren toda mi ideologí­a que se centra en el rechazo a…

  • lingua meam

    1.- Language is unfaithful 2.- La lengua es infiel 3.- Sprí¥k í¤r otrogen No confí­o en el idioma que escribo. Quizá ese sea mi problema, no hay confianza entre ambos. Lo que sé es que traiciona hasta el propio pensamiento que lo crea. No existe una verdad uniforme que diga esto es la verdad sino…

  • brus

    One does after all feel as throwing the towel. I do feel that I am losing it. I never had trouble dealing with two languages. Yet being so far away from the center of gyration that rules my bilingualism has caused an atrophy of sorts. One can not complain after all, it has been little…

  • me cago en el español

    En el continente americano hay cientos de lenguas al borde de la extinción. Lenguas que son productos naturales de la tierra que las produjo. Aún así­, a muchos años desde que los perros salvajes de la Corona Española llegaran a nuestro continente con sus ideas puristas y actos prepotentes de superioridad nacional insisten muchos en…

  • The I of the bilingual

    Something is happening to my English. I am becoming more aware of it. Ever since I took on the job of learning Swedish this change has been brought upon me through a very surreptitious way that, sutil. Though I insistently argue that Spanglish is my first language due to ideological reasons, and more importantly because…