Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Aztlan

  • So there

    Being Chicano is a sense of essence you see I couldn’t belong to this idea of democracy because I am what exactly what your idea of democracy demands from you: that you churn out rebels. I am a rebel, a thief, a frito bandido and I am aware because you gave me free will. I…

  • Note to self

    Things to do tomorrow: Stop believing in the USA I firmly believe that the bible is the devil’s prima facie work

  • Ese soy yo

    Uno de los encuentros más perplejos que me haya encontrado en mi vida, como chicano de Tijuana, es la cuestión del tiempo y la historia que permea mi identidad. Ser chicano es vivir la historia de nuestras naciones, la mitologí­a que ello conlleva, la azteca, la maya, y la cicatriz que nunca sana del 1848.…

  • Fiction is the idea that we must invent worlds and that we must somehow demonstrate, for the sheer purpose of the readers sake, a sort of description without giving too much of what is being told. The idea is to allow for the reader to make up its mind of what he or she is…

  • ’Voice’ is a hard subject. I feel I have no voice to which I can attach a determined form of writing. However, I do notice that my voice, when am writing, tends to be a melancholic one, a serious one and one that is reflective of what it is writing, As if the way I…

  • I want to write something beautiful, I don’t know what but I hope that I’ll soon know. I believe I like writing because somehow I too want to depict scenes. The problem is that I don’t have much to say. However, I like words so much I spend a great deal of time reading them.…

  • Hay gente que escribe en un sólo idioma y la verdad no sé cómo le hacen. Yo escribo en cuatro. Español, Inglés, Sueco y Espanglish, aunque hay gente que conozco que eso del spanglish se les hace ‘tacky’, nevermind que toda una cultura, la chicana, la vive como una forma de vivir, por eso los…

  • I don’t know if it has been done before but since I certainly haven’t seen it done in the English language am giving it a shot. Although I must confess that it worries me that it has been done before. I frankly don’t know and am doing it, if and only, for the sheer purpose…

  • Según el NY Times un Tijuanense perdió la vida en Irak. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

  • Chale. Según Border Blogger tienes que vivir en la frontera para escribir sobre la frontera. Y yo que me hací­a ilusiones de escribir sobre Tijuana, ya de perdis una autobiografí­a sobre justo la frontera. ¿Y ahora? ¿Qué hago con todas mis memorias de mi infancia que pasé en Tijuana? Yo creci en el Mercado de…