Månad: mars 2003
Ayer fui a ver a Frida, la pelicula, con Salma Hayek. Aparte de que la artista tiene hermosos senos, su actuación fue casi espectacular. Cuando recien salio, a pesar de que no la vi me puse del lado de los criticones que denunciaron el sacrilegio de tocar el tema Frida Khalo. Me acuerdo de aquellos…
Went to hear Professor Ann W. Fisher-Wirth (University of Mississippi) Fulbright Scholar and Distinguished Professor of American Studies/ Uppsala today where she gave a lecture entitled ’Still the Question Remains, What Space for the Sacred in This Century?’: Contemporary Environmental Poetry.” and left feeling like a jerk. I had some many feelings evoked that I…
Virgina Woolf Moments of Being – A sketch of the past
After incubation I came to more conclusions regarding this text. I realized there is a certain conflict here, she seldoms questions the validity of her emotions yet distrust to a degree as to how to proceed and record, as asuch, said emotions. She has trouble putting it in ink. The fear of going astray is…
Virgina Woolf Moments of Being – A sketch of the past
Well, apart that I was proud that I could read the text in 4 hours I derived no more pleasure out of that than that. There a few instances were I found great delight in reading her, and that was when she got into a sort of attrition with her father in a boat, opinions…
Hej! Today, as I was walking to the computer room from my dorm, (sounds kind of childish considering my age) I couldn’t help noticing how Spring had set its foot on the landscape. Although the trees are still bare and snow remains yet unmelted, the ground is wet and the air fresh rather than cold.…
Pablo y Lucrecia
– No es cierto! Perro desgraciado, me las vas a pagar imbécil! ¿Lo oyes? ¡Me las vas a pagar! Pablo, aún sin comprender el efecto de las noticias, aturdido por los gritos incesantes de Lucrecia, sólo se digno a mirar, pasivamente, causando así mayor ira en Lucrecia – ¿Qué me miras estúpido? Dime algo, dime…
Robert Graves: Goodbye to all that.
Second half of the book. Incredible, I went through the whole book in expectation of some sort of outrage from part of Graves in regards to the title. He just resolved not to return to England without much ado. What a jester. It seems that this man’s greatest adventures were mere happenstances of his day.…
No hay nada más horrible que no tener algo que escribir. Me ganan los impulsos. Me cae gordo, como deciamos nosotros los jóvenes de la calle Mutualismo, entre 2nda y 3ra allá por los años de los 80. Y es que me siento vacio, decir nada, tendré que hacerla pues, mi especialidad, porque en realidad…
Running Bit Mark Amerika ”… I sort of decided to let quality take care of itself – because how do you decide on the quality of something you don’t understand? …” – Ronald Sukenick This is the kind of conciousness in a text that I would like to explore more, mainly, the altercation between ego…
Robert Graves: Goodbye to all that.
First half of the book. Language is difficult and almost alien to me. It depicts life in England as I never seen it pictured before. Rare names pop up now and then. The military traditions are all told in a manner that makes them look nearly silly. These traditions are built upon feuds between individuals…