by a tijuanense xicano: identity, religion, a dab of politics & wads literature @ 2¢ a pop – exegete at large
Haiku G-spot
The rain came by Leaving water puddles I got mud with love
Thoughts galore
Boy! Been working on this last poem and it sure seems to always need some improvement. Even when I am moderately satisfied with it I go back and give it a second look. I try to be consistent with the images that the words convey. I guess loathing pronouns or adverbs and participles doesn’t help…
Haiku #0000004
Typing like hammers light bright as nails My head hurts today
Stockholm Rucks
Taking an aimless stroll Through these tacit atmospheres I gaze about aloof Near throngs of people by Slowly making headway An halcyon wanders into view A solace embraces my senses That wavers through and by Along noised urban voices People sway to and fro Intersecting between spaces Leaving only hollow voids Seized by their loneliness…
The pavement was like any other, black. Sand blended with dirt could be seen strewn on the surface. Strolling along its path, George, with his hands inside his pockets, noticed a kiwi smashed well into the rocky asphalt leaving a distinct green color alongside black seeds. The sun had done a good job in drying…
During the high moon season, the beaches are empty, and for once, the stretch of water belongs to the natives. It is at these times that Horuniku takes strolls along the edges of the sand where the waves of the sea are thrown ashore. The feeling is one of solitude yet he realizes that the…
Rupert and Albert had just come in the house and as Albert went straight ahead to the flower base he had bought yesterday he restarts examining his new prized object, a flower base from the Ding Dinasty. Rupert headed for the fridge when suddemly Albert began talking. ”Curios, the flower base seems to have had…
Under mounting pressure his self tries to liberate from the net of false presuppositions that entangled him into an orgy of angst and guilt. ” Did I say that right?” Did they think I was too chatty, did they find me repugnant?” These and more questions snared him as he left the cheerful crowd of…
Under mounting pressure his self tries to liberate from the net of false presuppositions that entangled him into an orgy of angst and guilt. ” Did I say that right?” Did they think I was too chatty, did they find me repugnant?” These and more questions snared him as he left the cheerful crowd of…
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