Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Polí­tica general

  • Machiavelian thoughts

    Everytime governments claim innocence and fairness my nose begins to smell rotten values and the reeking stench of dead morals. My nose tickles wanting to be itched. Read this: Police chief blocked Brazilian’s death probe. Did the government of England have to an image that they would act ruthlessly after what happened to them in…

  • off and away from chest … be off!

    I am so sick and tired of the Israel-Palestinian conflict that the more I hear it the more i want to puke. Blagh. Worst yet I am sick and tired of the legion of supporters that Likud has for its ideology. You would think that all those people that see nothing but terror before their…

  • Filiberto Ojeda Rí­os

    le pidió saliera de la casa y tan pronto lo hizo varios oficiales le ordenaron que se arrodillara, pero al no obedecer, la tumbaron contra el suelo y la inmovilizaron utilizando sus rodillas. Siempre me saca de onda que cuando considero una noticia de importancia no aparezca en los noticiarios de mayor importancia en mi…

  • Juicy and wet and Ahhhh

    I wrote this separately but this, this is too goddamn juicy and it brings my dead brain cells a much needed mental orgasm, ahhh, Vatican details, as they say in law lingo, the devil lieth there …. Power struggles in the Holy See, who would of have thought … Noticed the recent spats between Il…

  • Today

  • Recensión ajena

    HERB ALPERT’S TIRELESS SPERM Nortec Collective continues to define the sound of Tijuana You just gotta love the title of this news article. For the rest of the story clickeale acá ese. By the by’s, if you wanna try your good rotten luck, a veces these guys give out free music en su saite.

  • war

    the thing that bothers me about the war the US is waging: the curtailing of civil liberties in the name of the war. Curious how ineptitude on the top always means more repression for those of us on the bottom. Because that is what it is. Government wasn’t inteligent enough to predict an assault on…

  • Actualización: Tuesday ese, del pinche 13 ya acá, ¿y qué? puto el que lo lea. Absolute power corrupts. Por eso suguiero que la capital de la nación Mexicana haga como Tokyo, mudarse o por lo menos contemplar la idea de salirse de la maraña que la sede del poder mexicano representa. It’s time. On another…

  • Pretty Hate Machine

    Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW) Known as CBU-97 and CBU-105, Textron Systems’ Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW) is the first and only combat-proven smart area weapon of its kind in U.S. Air Force inventory designed to accurately detect and defeat multiple threat targets. Superior lethality makes it the standoff weapon of choice for anti-armor, anti-air defense and…

  • comeuppance

    Bouyed by Tejano Insider I went ahead and read this story were as I read I stumbled upon this word: comeuppance. Always being upanted by my curiosity I headed deep into the entrañas of the internet and quickly asked Merriem Webster what’s up with that word. They had this to say, yet it seems the…