Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Poema

  • Isolation

    When the isolation lifts its mantle Which surrounds my love life, Will I see thee lurking about? Wont you expect too Who yearned for you? Whilst I carry this heavy darkness Woe is me! for I want your arms around me Wretched is indeed the wait Wonderful though when my eyes fall upon thee! Who…

  • Aún no

    I felt Untold Emotions Rush Like a Chinese water drop torture Down My Skin . Yearning To feel Pain To connect Somehow. Then I thought. I hurt yet

  • before I sail

    There were many a time were I did not. Like a White whale whose harpoon Who am I kidding I have not even began to imagine how Melville thought,  

  • Los cuervos

    El Cuervo era un cuate. Rey del gris de cielos nórdicos ’on el sol ni su luz. Odí­n Su fiel Reino compartí­an cualesquier dí­a expandí­a sus alas bajo las nubes que escondí­an el sol pero aquellos dí­as tan consuetudinarios su vuelo era como el sol. Flamante como el viento Y com dirí­a Adele: set fire…

  • Frank

    I’ve seen you te he visto desde hace long ago eres la memoria que no quiero recordar como el moco que saco de mi nariz like the burger I pick from my nostrils who I promptly swipe under my knee cap under my jeans que embarro en la mezclilla de mis pantalones Sí­, yeah Tantas…

  • Next: fall 2014

    I saw an insect fly by as hell a bird flew by to stop by a nearby branch in a haste only my eye can comprehend then the wind played with the new shoots of the birch the pine the oak. As an spectator a simple bystander of the things that last longer than I…

  • Un po’ di sole nell’acqua gelida

    Son las primeras horas de la mañana/ me levanto porque el ordenador se ha puesto a trabajar y sus ruidos me molestan pero no como para salir de las sábanas/ Me levanto un poco enfadado de tener que levantarme/ Afoco la mirada hacia la ventana y la luz está templada por las nubes pero como…

  • Sometido

    With everyday that passes by I grow colder my lips are turning blue as the sky recedes into redness though some call this an autumn I decay yearning for red lips to caress my hopes Early may brings shoots new life to the trees which stood naked during winter my spring long gone must I…

  • The many ifs take a morning shower ahead

    Shadows that draw their/lines/ dig profound as if years could flow or bank onto shores of yore (whose face?/) Mark routes accordingly to sidewinding wrinkles in the background African beats Asia Claims too the drumbeat . We are to believe theirs is ours so are we told this day those which are not to are…

  • You would think

    Y’oud think/a grain of dust/carrying/The light of a sunray/floating about/this late april 23rd afternoon/ giving notice of itself/would arose suspicion/as insignificant it may seem/for some reason or 2/ yet/as it floats/ in the stillness of a quiet 1900 hour/this meridian near the North pole/ Shining like a speck of gold/ in the middle of notingness/…