Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Libros

  • 死亡

    Den Sjunde Dagen Yu Hua ISBN: 9789198347753 í„ntligen í¤r jag fí¤rdig med lí¤sningen om Den Sjunde Dagen av #YuHua. Min absolutaste favorit Kina fí¶rfattare. Det tog lite tid, som vanlig. Men som jag brukar sí¤ga, lí¥ngsamt lí¤sning ger mer i lí¤ngden. Man hinner reflektera om det man har lí¤st och ivrigt lí¤ngtar man till ní¤sta…

  • La hora de despertarnos juntos

    Autor: Kirmen Uribe Traductor: J.M. Isasi Tí­tulo original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua 1ra edición: noviembre de 2016 ISBN: 978-84-322-2977-0 Editorial Planeta Sello editorial: Seix Barral No suelo consumir libros de golpe. Pero tení­a prisa por regalar el libro, se lo habí­a prometido a un amigo de Tijuana y durante mi estancia durante el estí­o este año…

  • Ett nytt land utanfí¶r mitt fí¶nster

    Boken Ett nytt land utanfí¶r mitt fí¶nster av Theodor Kallifatides 2001, utgí¥va 2017, handlar om att leva och kí¤nna sig som en frí¤mling i sitt eget land. Fí¶rfattaren beskriver med gamla minnen hur han upplevt att vara en frí¤mling genom tiden sedan han emigrerade till Sverige 1964 och fí¶rsí¶ker gí¶ra en sammanfattning (s.127) pí¥ hans…

  • Federico y Wilde: Readings 2017

    MENIPPUS: My dear coz – for Cerberus and Cynic are surely related through the dog – I adjure you by the Styx, tell me how Socrates behaved during the descent. A God like you can doubtless articulate instead of barking, if he chooses. CERBERUS: Well, while he was some way off, he seemed quite unshaken;…

  • The Fifth Impossibility

    When I bought this book I was in serious depression mode. I felt I belonged so in glee I pressed ok, buy. I live in a so called ’foreign’ land and I ache for my ’motherland’. The attraction was mutual. Then. Time passed. I was vulnerable. So I forked the bucks through my Kindle tablet.…

  • Borrowed Time: An AIDS memoir

    I first read Borrowed Time, with that jacket, yes, in the late summer of 1996. My first and only term at SDSU which is to this day, I feel, my true Alma mater. Such was the impact of it that one April the 8th of a 2015 I decided to buy it again in digital…

  • Church of Spies The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler

    I ought to add a category for books read on my Kindle Amazon owns though I pay for it almost everyday. So I read Church of Spies – The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler. By a dude named Mark Riebling. A lad with a many credentials. He is not your neighborhood comadre so his research…

  • Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty – Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie

    Read on Amazon Kindle Voyage device with firmware 5.8.1 Great Britain by Jonathan Cape an Imprint av Vintage Publishing (2015) Penguin Random house Epub ISBN: 9781473523289 Version 1.0 As is customary, the sellers want to sell. Such is the case with Salman Rushdie. This author’s prominence resides in an era all to itself, he is…

  • Secundo interregnum: de libros a medias y otras nimiedades de lo similitudinario

    De la estación llamada Copilco en el sistema del Metro de la ciudad de México, a la biblioteca Central de la UNAM, hay de por lo menos kilómetro y medio de por medio o más quizá. El primer dí­a de mi estancia tuve que hacer el peregrinaje a la susodicha biblioteca cuya fachada me deja…

  • Questa mattina

    I’d decided to do something I set out to do right about forever ago. I wanted to rummage in a room where some of my fellow tenants have dumped their unwanted books. These fellows where old Norwegian souls. One dead of a heart attack and the other decided to move back to Norway. Gray and…