
the thing that bothers me about the war the US is waging: the curtailing of civil liberties in the name of the war. Curious how ineptitude on the top always means more repression for those of us on the bottom. Because that is what it is. Government wasn’t inteligent enough to predict an assault on american soil let alone have good old fashion common sense to stop the attack. Huge amounts of money are funneled to countless of agencies in that country whose budget is tallied in the trillions. Yet the best those agencies can do is spy on their own. All that technology to self-destruct the very fabric that made us who we are. They are unable to infiltrate the Other when it matters.

By this am not saying that those agencies haven’t done good nor am I calling for the scrapping of those agencies, by far. What I am saying is that because those agencies failed once, the collective is being punished. Not because the collective was not prepared nor because ’we were to liberal’ in admitting the Other into our midst but because the agencies were to busy being cocky thinking that they know everything. They don’t. So they repress and America stands idle giving more power to government to repress the american population even more. The picture isn’t pretty. The criminals aren’t in American soil, they are beyond the Potomac.

The fact of the matter is that the American people have been suckered. Worst yet they have crooks in power whose only interest is making money without the meddling of anyone. Capitalismo salvaje. The people are in the way so the neocons constructed themselves a road where only they can traverse.

Bush and Co. learned well. It is a single handed coup from a familiy that knows the ropes well. Governance is a skill. They just happen to be the bad guys and even if they are wont to appear all american they are only so because they know in their innermost guts that the question that matters is not the outside but the inside that matters.

the happiest man alive

The day he died was the happiest in his life. The answer to the why is simple. He made it, he made it without harming no one and best yet, he would no longer pose a threat to harm no one. He was dead.

Elena, Mexican Representative at large

Vaya. I received with great astonishment the news that Elena is running for representative for Mexicans in her corner of the world. I know of no other person better suited for the job than her. I have been an avid reader of the travails that she has gone through in trying to help others meet their new culture with honor, decency and courage. At times, showing us the difficulties along the way in just trying to be nice to one another. If you think I am exagerating when I say that then I suggest you don yourself with not only spanish but mexican indigenous languages. Then walk the landscapes of the Midwest to try and help people adjust and make it through the day in a new environment, a new language in the fields of prejudice, ignorance and just plain disregard for others with only hope as a burning torch guiding the tired, the poor and hungry without a second thought.

Elena is best placed to represent Mexicans in Ohio because she understands both worlds and is an on hands person. She is not only well versed in the problems affecting the mexican community of Ohio and the rest of her community she is also there with them, trying to solve the problems with them.

I am a strong supporter of Elena Mary Costello Tzintzún. I believe
she will fully and honorable represent Mexicans and Mexican-
Americans. I encourage you to please elect Elena Mary Costello
Tzintzún as representative for all Mexicans in Ohio, Kentucky and


Bouyed by Tejano Insider I went ahead and read this story were as I read I stumbled upon this word: comeuppance. Always being upanted by my curiosity I headed deep into the entrañas of the internet and quickly asked Merriem Webster what’s up with that word. They had this to say, yet it seems the meaning differs widely across the lexicographers web because word reference has this to say. One would think its use somewhat obscure yet the opposite is quite the contrary. Google gave less than a thousand hits shy og 600 thousand ones. So, where does this word come from? Etymology is sketchy with Merriem-Webster offering little clues.

The real face of Katrina

Leonard Thomas, de 23 años, muestra su congoja luego de que policí­as allanaron la vivienda en la que permanecí­a junto con su familia, en Nueva Orleáns. Algunas personas denunciaron que se habí­an metido ilegalmente en la casa, pero fueron liberados cuando probaron que era suya

La tercera raza

First of all I would like to thank all who dare venture a click to see what is happening here in this blog. As what can be seen by the dates that appear here and there on the blog it would somewhat offer a hint that nothing much is happening. In fact, due to the dates one could very well and rather easily and with no little haste come and jump at the conclusion that abandonment is the most fitting word to describe the state of affairs here. Alas my friends, I will irrevocably dissent at such easyly made judgement calls, I beg to differ. I am nurturing the words. I am incubating my thoughts and the time is not ripe to announce all that needs to be announced.

However, today I want to bring to your attention a little blog and the repercussions it is unfolding on certain corners of the Aztlán homeland. Fellow citizen and tijuanense pal such as I Ilich Sabotage brought to my attention a recent blog that seems to be one of those people who dare go beyond the most common mentality arising out of Xicanismo itself. pochospeak Weblog Journalism for the Pocho Crowd. This is a blog to look out for across time just to see the result that might be arising out of the research itself. í i’tamos pues.

PS: Lo de Tercera Raza was taken from this post Chicanos on line. La tercera raza from Sintetika Dreams. Normally I dislike how most of my fellow border mexican citizens perceive us Xicanos, even if we too can be deemed a part of Aztlán, though I thought this Tercera Raza nick befitting somehow. It fights off this crazy notion that some spanish speaking monolinguals have of Tijuana as the last corner of Latin America. As if Aztlán wasn’t part of the larger narrative of Latin America. I like it.

El colmo de los colmos

Got one of those spam mails today: High quality Replica. Now, how in the hell can a replica be of high quality to begin with? It’s a fucking replica for crying outloud ese!