Monthly Archives: January 2013


There isn’t anywhere to run/ Except to shun/ I convince myself that grateful ought I be/ So much good / be it all false? pops into my head/ playing games/ remaking emotions/ swirling left and right/ until asunder rendered is the … Continue reading

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There are words I lack I see you and the image burns if there is a 1000 suffice they don’t A life lives an eternity in every second transcurs as if I blinked yet Every time i think of thee … Continue reading

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Heridas y derrames

Me machuqué el dedo. O un dedo. Un dedo de mi mano derecha. El anular para ser más exactos. Digitus IV manus. Contaré. No quiero entrar en muchos detalles pero diré que me sentía nervioso durante el acontecer y por … Continue reading

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De verdad que los que le sacan jugo a la imaginación son gente de admirarse. No porque pueden formular un mundo lleno de ideas sino porque describen lo que ven. Yo veo y no puedo pintar. Quizá es por eso … Continue reading

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this morrow

I know that this morrow is as I thought it would be when I thought of it yesterday thou art here I can place a face and a name Remains of a residue which stains the very fabric of the … Continue reading

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des Sich Verliebens

Por estos días tengo la costumbre de no comparar las desgracias personales con las desgracias de otros. Hace unos años atrás, unos 3, a lo mucho, decidí no sacar provecho de las comparaciones que uno hace al comparar las desgracias … Continue reading

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Competing personas of a trilingual

Here in the Swedish Highlands I speak Swedish to those few I speak to. Don’t get me wrong, there is the occasional Spanish speaker to whom one is lucky to exchange a few inborn lingo with in that tongue of … Continue reading

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Espanglish & Spanglish

This post was originally posted March the 3rd of 2005. But in order to celebrate the fact Espanglish has made into the DRAE we reprint it again with some slight modifications in orthography that I missed back then. One must … Continue reading

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