Yonder Lies It

by a tijuanense xicano: identity, religion, a dab of politics & wads literature @ 2¢ a pop – exegete at large
  • pray

    Perched chest to the ground still shadow willing a breath a new beginning air tight new being cross So unchristian so betrayed by elements a goose bump shall … pray tell.

  • New Gen X

    There will always be a new Gen X. It follows, just that is the case. The sun will always filter through the leaves its rays and perhaps shine in a new direction on an old season. I reckon very little is there to do to conduct youth and specially those in the very near vicinity…

  • bottomless

    bottomless pit laugh I in yer face whilst life I enjoy Me life forever is yours destiny fate whatnot though eternally will married ameth unto thee tis this chance I have to laugh at ye Let me rue the day when woo prisoner took me and desired thee though loneliness be my destiny I a…

  • Encarcelar polí­ticos serí­a lo óptimo

    Por estos dí­as se escucha en la red cómo es que la deuda de los mexicanos ha incrementado y esto último sin notarse en el paí­s ningún cambio alguno por ello. Desde que tengo memoria México siempre me ha recordado cuánto es lo que yo debo como ciudadano pero nunca he escuchado cuánto es que…

  • Encapsulated

    Xicanismo suffers from cultural encapsulation. Most Xicano figures are so immersed in a minority role that they can’t lift their heads to see that they are being studied by nit just ourselves but by a host of international guest who take a great deal of time and painstaking research to try to understand us. Yet…

  • Cosa Nostra

    esta herida mí­a se llama tú sí­ lleva tu nombre nunca creo que sané Y es que tu dolor llevará muchos años querer corregir el daño que infligió Lo nuestro . Hay veces que mil actos aparentan querer cicatrizar. tú, dueña de la ingestión de costras . hube de adivinar al verte alimentarte (esa maña…

  • fiber

    cortarte fue la mejor opción – un sueño – al despertar. el olvido empieza con un lazo umbilical. y acaba en una hebra textual del DNA o una alfombra cuyos sí­mbolos excluyen admiración y demandan observación cut that ese

  • dark side of thee

    I lost everything and found the void emptier than thou Caught unawares I found myself mute and numb; only the now testifies to the seconds I live only to look back in silence. I was never prepared for the moment were I had nothing else to say because there really wasn’t anything else to say.…

  • @aloss atrocious albotross

    In a state of comfort and numbness as in a wither thither hither At a loss in a in your face reality as in allowing the comfort to expand Knowing brutally my daughters are gone no longer a father parenting for a male is harder males and females females always win they keep the seed…

  • Digesting the now and mulling the morrow

    In Scandinavia most days are rather predictable. I mean weatherwise the air is cool and the skies at times give respite and offer a glimpse of what could be had this corner of the world if it just layed a little more to the south. So this morning wasn’t anymore spectacular than the others, boring,…

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