Yonder Lies It

by a tijuanense xicano: identity, religion, a dab of politics & wads literature @ 2¢ a pop – exegete at large
  • R-13xiv1455v11-II

    If every thought were a breath of air when you ceased to exist Who is to be my life support? When all I ever was you & I chose you as a lifestyle . Like blood chooses to run in veins as a natural course.

  • What the day gives

    I read Harold Bloom yesterday, in a Paris Review article from the Spring issue of 1991. I was surprised we cherished some of the same authors he stands by. Like Emerson, Plotinus and some other guy. Though you can tell he is strictly monolingual in his approach to English. There isn’t a Borderland with him…

  • multi kulti

    I smiled at the child It was a little she child. She donned the garments surely her family thought were appropriate for her. The little female was surely of Somalian hí¤rkomst as they say here, in Sweden. Her garments could easily pass off as a Raggedy Ann look somehow. I was back from a jogging…

  • Possible soulmate

    He actually looked it up. This idea of a soulmate or a twin flame. Like when he looks up names of potential mates on the net. Online stalking whatnot. He actually looked up her name on the Swedish site Ratsit. He got the freebie info. Her name, her age, her civil status, address. He even…

  • On writing

    Writing has been a lot in my mind of late. Messages here and there give impulse to the long dead and buried notion that I can write but I ca never ever seem to get this odd itch of writing again. I can’t even fathom why I insist that I can ever regain the idea…

  • deadwrong Walt Whitman in 1865

    Hay dí­as más importantes que otros. Hoy es un dí­a de esos. Dí­as en que uno se percata de multitudes de cosas y de lo efí­mero que las cosas son. Se percata uno de la insignificancia que la existencia brinda y que al final todo queda en un sí­mbolo cuya interpretación queda fuera de nuestro…

  • Verdi

    The seasons come and go & the mistakes I make stay haunting the living daylights out of me wheretofore I know not why Yet the silver moon colours the clouds dark grey chiaroscuro Eyes bewildered stare seconds pass by and a yesterday is and will be indescribable as we speak For the fuckers to enjoy…

  • Memoria de Cenizas

       MEMORIA DE CENIZAS (En papel) EVA DIAZ , FUND. JOSE MANUEL LARA, 2005 ISBN 9788496152380  Datos del libroNº de páginas: 300 págs. Encuadernación: Tapa blanda Editoral: FUND. JOSE MANUEL LARA Lengua: ESPAí‘OL ISBN: 9788496152380 Durante mi estancia en Sevilla tení­a la intención de ir a Santiponce. Santiponce es un pueblo aledaño a Sevilla camino…

  • void

    I realize a thing or two these days. Like the void left or the void I try to refill. As if one could go back and change stuff. Intento rellenar huecos estos dí­as. Como si pudiere alcanzar un pasado que nunca fue. O lo es. El pasado es. Así­ lo pinto de harina y huevo.…

  • Amanecer de nuevo

    Amanece hoy. Hace sol. Tecleo con el fin de sacarle una historia a la nada. Quezque no hay que esperar a la musa. Tengo mucho tiempo esperando. Hay muchos conflictos en mi. Uno. Deberí­a de hacer más ejercicio. Dos. Deberí­a de acabar el maldito ensayo. Tres. Deberí­a quién sabe qué más hacer. Cuatro. Deberí­a ir…

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