Yonder Lies It

by a tijuanense xicano: identity, religion, a dab of politics & wads literature @ 2¢ a pop – exegete at large
  • April is the cruelest month 2014

    During a run I noticed that the city park workers had done maintenance in our little lake called Ingsbergssjí¶n I often misspell its name. This day full of sun offered interesting aspects Like how some thin sheets of ice lingered about and how some ducks stood a top of those thin sheets of ice and…

  • die neue Religion

    Brutal honesty. Dealings with The One. Of late I have been in a quip about how I conduct thoughts to The One. Which brings forth another dilemma: Why the Swedes are so adamant about religion. I came to the conclusion, based on their obsession with ”truth” that they much rather deny The One as we…

  • NAFTA politics

    Am quite confounded by NAFTA politics. It is no secret that the legislative organ of the countries in NAFTA gear more and more towards legislation which creates capital. Having said that, what particularly baffles the living daylights out of me is Mexico. Simply because legislation in Mexico is not any where close to what the…

  • Ask

    though our soul be enslaved by your beliefs souls dependent on your mercy & promise feeds on the milk & honey eats of not bread alone prays to thine superior We slave to regain the freedom we once had howsoever as it was tis was ours So forgive me if I give you the finger…

  • One for the birds

    A little bird told me I command your presence All I have to do is think of you & et voilí ! Yearn burns desire dreams of you thinking of you as the years pass by am I doomed to be just a simply admirer? Or will I touch your flesh someday? Can I ever overcome…

  • utterance

    My breath slipping the vowels through your smooth skin My lips inches away naming you bares my soul

  • the quiet silence of the passing observer

    ever noticed that quiet passer-by how his eyes lays waste in silence? Why does not that stranger use words to diffuse his passing glint? Why am I accosted by the look conferring upon a judge a burden to my eyes? Do I cause also the same with my still stare? Does my espy instill bareness…

  • inversed emotional auxesis

    the enmity criss-crosses through different vessels a badmouth masquerading in morality lands with someone in power It has achieved its first purpose Now it can take a stab, a jab, poison other souls Its 2nd intent would love to antagonize my feelings would love to influence my thoughts invade my heart control my impulses eat…

  • .xvi14::.

    De todos los lugares del mundo es el estómago que más te siente arde al pensar en tí­ Para ser un amor imposible causas un pulsar de añoranza como si alguna vez te hubiese tenido Mi cabeza sin embargo No quiere saber de quimeras y las venas duelen al realizar la cruel realidad de no…

  • Grammatical distance

    Siempre me ha sorprendido encontrarme con ejemplos de gramática que deberí­an de hacer sonar sonajas a loco en mi aparato de detección de errores gramaticales pero que no lo hacen. Tengan ustedes este ejemplo que escribió una de mis estudiantes de español como idioma extranjero en un trabajo que tienen que hacer tanto escrito como…

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