Kategori: Haiku
the Me in mestizo
I plow the clouds undust the cumulus Santa Ana winds breeze by. It is march idle and restless. Evidence is aftersought. I gather intentions pack them tightly. Pursue wild dreams. This wandering I so easily scared Is a wannabe Heron. This Heron seeks yearround habitats.
Israeli rain
Yet you instrument death at dawn. Like an old tune in Spring. A cacophony slicing scythe. New year meant nothing. This Aries dusk.
I bear with you
I.- The eagle landed on a cactus back yonder. II.- Butterflies flew driven by Santana Winds. III.- Yes, I remember Satanta. Like a late autumn. IV.- Immobile I stare, this waft embraces.
No idea what am doing. Nor the horizon either.
Xicano haikus
1.- I stopped dreaming of a liberated Aztlan. It was enslaving. 2.- I became one with the past Two with the present and thirsty for more. 3.- I read about Aztlán and I wrote about Raza: I was made after its image. 4.- I am utterly lost seeking meaning out of the blue sky.
Haiku G-spot
The rain came by Leaving water puddles I got mud with love
Haiku #0000004
Typing like hammers light bright as nails My head hurts today
Haiku #00000000001
Daylight becomes nightfall wheels spinning on end woke up today