Kategori: Minifix
Then that same night he told her he couldn’t lie, they drank beer, lying right there on the spot to each other. He had that flash, that flash that’s like a chain and ball, heard the chin-cling loud and clear and wanted freedom. He felt high as ever, didn’t really want part of her, he…
What is it about two people that just want each other? There are two things I loathe, hunger and sex, they distract me from my studies, they do, they really do. – Wanna drink coffee? – No thanks, am bored, I don’t know where am going, what I want nor a purpose; I am already…
Act one: Drama out of proportions Anton: It will go fast, the remorse and qualms ails us, I promise it will go quickly. Cleops: We can not stand idle and do nothing. In history we will go down as the most cowards of all generations. Having power, we did not use it. Instead, we remain,…
Dear Lisia: Every now and then I get this sort of melancholy and I come to think of you. I often feel I betrayed you, that in the course of that drink we had, that intoxicating love we shared to the last drop, somewhere, lies were swallowed. Fantasies were lived and I was stabbed by…
The soft velvet fabric of the sofa invited relaxation. The bar atmosphere was soothing and not too many people smoked. Chris and Licia sat by one of the sofas, ordered some red wine and began talking. They spoke of mundane things like the horoscope, what they liked, music and so on. A few giggles and…
The metereologist had predicted sunny weather with partial clouds during and only in the afternoon. The city’s only meteorologist had a reputation to keep and almost all of his weather instruments, financed by the city’s coffers, were up-to-date, state-of-the-art technologies. He had a Perception II stand-alone weather station plus hand-held wind speed indicators and a…
Hej! Today, as I was walking to the computer room from my dorm, (sounds kind of childish considering my age) I couldn’t help noticing how Spring had set its foot on the landscape. Although the trees are still bare and snow remains yet unmelted, the ground is wet and the air fresh rather than cold.…
Pablo y Lucrecia
– No es cierto! Perro desgraciado, me las vas a pagar imbécil! ¿Lo oyes? ¡Me las vas a pagar! Pablo, aún sin comprender el efecto de las noticias, aturdido por los gritos incesantes de Lucrecia, sólo se digno a mirar, pasivamente, causando así mayor ira en Lucrecia – ¿Qué me miras estúpido? Dime algo, dime…
Aquella tarde prometía ser diferente. Tenía ganas de aventura, le hacían falta ganas. La lucha era cruenta. Le comían las ansias. Quería, de verdad, un cambio. Un nuevo ambiente, pero el día sólo ofrecía, hasta ese momento sólo una vaga esperanza, una prometedora migaja de algún acontecimiento que le levantara del suelo rutinario en el…
John had receently been forced to pull a prank on officer Stacey Maloy. He was told that in order to get in the fraternity he was to pull from Officer Maloy’s locker his baton, without him noticing, and then put back. A witness would be provided, who would keep its distance at all times, to…