Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Xicano Commentary

  • Jovita Gonzáles Comment 2

    In Dew on the Thorn by Jovita Gonzáles1, the Anglo plays a rather significant roll not because we are not familiar with the eternal binomial in Chicano narrative between gringos and Chicanos but because it is an early ground we have walked upon before. Jovita is a predecessor of Aztlán geography and topology. It is…

  • love is a pain

    I wonder how aztec and maya loving chicanos will react to this. Specially La Voz de Aztlán. My, my indeed. Moctezuma was gay. He loved to gorgle the mayonesa; le gustaba el arroz con popote. Well, you get the picture. I personally don’t subscribe to the aztec and maya semiotics of the Chicano propaganda machine…

  • liberty of the press?

    Boy, one can’t really go by all the propaganda that spews out from the internet. Worst of all is that I use mostly official mouthspeaks as a news source. Dang, do they tend to be lopsided; everything to fit their customer: government and their ideological minions. Is there any real reporting going on in the…

  • Haven’t just

    I seem to recall Bartleby, that old Melville character that so baffles many of us in this so called modern world, whenever I cherish the idea of entertaining thoughts on Chicanismo. I feel am so way beyond that that the mere thought entails and automatic I prefer not to. I believe I have lost my…

  • The little migra in every US Xicano

    I have always had trouble believing am a Xicano. No matter that the evidence points to the fact that I am just that. This has become even more apparent for me here in Europe. the Nordic corner, isolated from Aztlán. Being away from the motherland has proven a sky that raineth a manna of ideas.…

  • Odd in a kind of freakish way

    Pre-destination. I recall this worm in my belly. It used to be that I felt predestined to be a writer and it often permeated a great deal of my everyday life more oft than not in my love affairs. This is quite intrinsic to Americans, specially the WASP kind and by default those they embrace…

  • Mexican elections 2006

    Well, let’s git to the knilly willy of the ninny lilly. Elections in México, el suspenso is killing me. I wrote in my spanish blog that Calderón was already a winner, ooops, it’s a cultural thing would say this guy who contradicted the IFE’s version of the early poll results arguing that the northern states…

  • The Secret Politicians

    Wish the Kos gang would have been around the turn of the 19th century, heck, what am I saying, just a few decades ago. History here. I have never liked the terms latino nor hispanic though I advocate latino more than I will ever do Hispanic. It seems that whenever the ’majority’ in the US…

  • Mexican elections

    Alright, alright already ese! So I’ve been recycling news yet there are less folk out there concentrating on the mexican elections than there are concentrating on it. Erhm, did that make sense? Either way, these elections matter. Lots. Beyond lots. Way beyond. (ok Julio, we get your drift.) I got the gut feeling that mexicans,…

  • William Lamport

    Pinches Irish, there’s always something to learn outta them … The backgrounds to Mexico’s struggle against Spain for its independence have been argued to have taken root as early as 1650, when an Irishman, William Lamport, attempted to revolt against Spanish rule in Mexico, cause an uprising among the Mexican people, and overwhelm any resistance…