Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Aztlan

  • Two concerned Aztlán citizens

    Yonderliesit.org received two rather interesting emails from two concerned Aztlán citizens just a little less than what it took you to read this. On the one hand, one email writer, mind you, at yonderliesit.org we faithfully hold to the anonymous right of the writer in question to maintain his or her full anonimity. As this…

  • Viva Chicano Lit

    The Republic of East L.A. – Stories (2002) by Luis J. Rodriguez I am invariably always surprised at the ease with which I can understand Chicano literature. I can see right throught it. I figure it must be the cultural baggage. I mean I understand every concept, image, and connotation implied in those letters. I,…

  • Tijuana, Tercera Nación

    Yo me considero Xicano, con x. Un Xicano de Tijuana, o un Xicano Mexicano como la veo para distinguirme de mis paisas los Xicanos de Los, Californios y todo, soy una minorí­a. No todos en Tijuana comparten esta visión de que Tijuana es parte de Aztlán. No importa que Aztlán sea una área geográfica dentro…

  • Tijuana, Tercera Nacion

    I consider myself a Xicano, with an x mind you. A Xicano from Tijuana or a Xicano mexicano as I see it in order to disntinguish myself from my brethen on the other side of the border, Californios and all. But in reality am no more than a minority. Not everyone in Tijuana has this…

  • wachatelas ese

    The phoneme /w/ [a voiced labio-velar approximant, lip rounding] has multiple and productive sounds in the spanglish and espanglish Xicano community. For us there are choices to be made between: Gíüey, huey and wey Gíüero, huero and wero What, guat and huat Wacatelas, guacatelas and huacatelas (seldom seen written as thus) Wacha Wayno (although to…

  • What they said

    These days I find myself deeply fond of XX century thinking. From Volume IV Number IV The New Criterion A Quarterly Review October 1926 New York Chronicle: Gilbert Seldes There is an attitude of mind familiar to observers of American intellectuals which Europeans ought to understand; I find it so often undermining my own judgement…

  • En el otro lado

    I went to the beach in Tijuana. It was crowded on Sunday, it was sizzling hot. So yeah, there are we, strolling, me and my friend. So I tell him, let us go to the fence. It was already corroded, the sea salt did it and the stupid army surplus material which was used to…

  • un poco de Espanglish

    Recientemente Osito came up con la idea of a diccionario en spanglish. I wholeheartedly think que es viable. Pero one must be careful sobre las variantes de spanglish. There is lo que I call Spanglish and (e)spanglish (otherwise known as border lingo). El spanglish es un phenomenon que se da en Los, (USA); el (e)spanglish…

  • La Virgen de Guadalupe

    Well, I went and did it, not planned, not anything, just out of the clear blue sky, there we go. Would you believe that of all the places in the world for me to find another Xicano would be there? Well, I did, I was minding my own business looking around at the construction of…

  • Ya tenemos un Tijuanense en la legislatura Californiana, damn were good! Via el Grito SACRAMENTO – When he was just a skinny kid in mismatched clothes, Fabian Núñez brokered his first deals: He helped his Spanish-speaking father negotiate landscaping jobs with English-speaking employers. Twenty-five years later, Assemblyman Núñez favors subtle silk ties and well-tailored suits…