Monthly Archives: October 2013


If every thought were a breath of air when you ceased to exist Who is to be my life support? When all I ever was you & I chose you as a lifestyle . Like blood chooses to run in … Continue reading

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What the day gives

I read Harold Bloom yesterday, in a Paris Review article from the Spring issue of 1991. I was surprised we cherished some of the same authors he stands by. Like Emerson, Plotinus and some other guy. Though you can tell … Continue reading

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multi kulti

I smiled at the child It was a little she child. She donned the garments surely her family thought were appropriate for her. The little female was surely of Somalian hí¤rkomst as they say here, in Sweden. Her garments could … Continue reading

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Possible soulmate

He actually looked it up. This idea of a soulmate or a twin flame. Like when he looks up names of potential mates on the net. Online stalking whatnot. He actually looked up her name on the Swedish site Ratsit. … Continue reading

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On writing

Writing has been a lot in my mind of late. Messages here and there give impulse to the long dead and buried notion that I can write but I ca never ever seem to get this odd itch of writing … Continue reading

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deadwrong Walt Whitman in 1865

Hay días más importantes que otros. Hoy es un día de esos. Días en que uno se percata de multitudes de cosas y de lo efímero que las cosas son. Se percata uno de la insignificancia que la existencia brinda … Continue reading

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The seasons come and go & the mistakes I make stay haunting the living daylights out of me wheretofore I know not why Yet the silver moon colours the clouds dark grey chiaroscuro Eyes bewildered stare seconds pass by and … Continue reading

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Memoria de Cenizas

   MEMORIA DE CENIZAS (En papel) EVA DIAZ , FUND. JOSE MANUEL LARA, 2005 ISBN 9788496152380  Datos del libroNº de páginas: 300 págs. Encuadernación: Tapa blanda Editoral: FUND. JOSE MANUEL LARA Lengua: ESPAí‘OL ISBN: 9788496152380 Durante mi estancia en Sevilla … Continue reading

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