Yonder Lies It

Månad: december 2006

  • Gabochinitis

    Contrary to popular belief gabochinitis has nothing to do ya sea con Gabo o con chichis que aunque algún parecido haiga entre ambos ninguna relación justifica lo anterior. Gabochinitis refers a lo gringo in One. Lo digo ansina ’cause por estos days me encuentro leyendo un libro muy acá. Se trata nada menos y nada…

  • Iron-í­as Walls

    Firm Contracted to Build Fence on US-Mexico Border is Fined for Hiring Illegal Workers One of the firms working on the US-Mexico Border Fence has been fined $5 million for hiring illegal immigrants. This controversy was ironically predicted by comedians such as George Lopez, who jokingly says in his new act, ”They want to build…

  • lowbrow

    íšltimamente me ha dado por entretener la púpila mentirosa, según Groucho. My lying eyes. Así­ que me pongo a wachar guatamadrales de flicks en un attempt de relax. Dejo la letra behind but my fingers do the trola dance también, mi mente los guí­a a falsificar y eso emputa la pasión del alma. El business…

  • dotting decades

    what this decade needs foremost is a Richie Valens

  • palabras

    Never in the course of humanity has there been a better time to be a Xicano ese. Prouder can’t One be.

  • Ok, y Hemingway y su Madrid?

    As a group of artists writing from the city of Los Angeles, we yawn in the faces of those who proclaim London the ”end all, be all” of the art world. However, while we are proud of what L.A. and California artists have accomplished over the years, and we extol the contributions these artists have…

  • Frustado

    Well, how does it feel to be latinamerican, Spanish speaking and mexican these days? That is the most common question in form of jest jeer I get since that fateful day in early december, I dare not recollect, to paraphrase Cervantes. I honestly feel awful. We mexicans are at a crux in epic proportions. Upon…

  • Frustrado

    Well, how does it feel to be latinamerican, Spanish speaking and mexican these days? That is the most common question in form of jest jeer I get since that fateful day in early december, I dare not recollect, to paraphrase Cervantes. I honestly feel awful. We mexicans are at a crux in epic proportions. Upon…

  • Black legend strikes again

    Tagging México in Technorati can really give a jolt to ones self-steem. Really. A throw back to the days of the Black Legend. Jí­jole.

  • Caldero de í­ron … ias

    Peligro. Un sustantivo que repercutirá en la conciencia de los mexican@s por años a venir. Fuese verbo no tuviere el alcance que ahora tiene. Y es que Calderón juega con fuego en una nación seca, cuyas malas yerbas están prestas para ello. Acusose al PRD de ser un peligro quezque porque las filas de tal…