
in the course of humanity
has there been
a better time
to be

Prouder can’t One be.

Ok, y Hemingway y su Madrid?

As a group of artists writing from the city of Los Angeles, we yawn in the faces of those who proclaim London the ”end all, be all” of the art world. However, while we are proud of what L.A. and California artists have accomplished over the years, and we extol the contributions these artists have made to the history of art, we are not foolish enough to proclaim our city as the center of anything (except perhaps, boredom). We do however see ourselves as one sphere of influence. To be honest, since L.A. is such a multi-cultural city, and quite frankly, a cultural capital that has exerted far too much influence over the world,

we’d like to proclaim the Mexican City of Tijuana as the new ”center of the art world”. Henceforth, we think that all trends in contemporary art should be set by those artists residing in Tijuana, and that international artists should trek to the city along the U.S./Mexico border in order to find inspiration, make connections (and of course sales), and study and work with some of the finest artists in the world.

If you think our idea preposterous then you might want to challenge your Eurocentric world view.

Uta, si de por si no aguantamos ya a los pinches niurros wannabe java zipping huarachudos de Tj, con esto se van a poner que ni quién los aguante …

Me recuerda a este chiste 1

Erase una vez un regiomontano, un hermosillense, un sinaloense y un chilango que llegaron a Tijuana, al bajar del avión el regiomontano alzó los brazos y exclamó: ”Yo soy el mesí­as, ya llegó el enviado de Dios!!!”…el hermosillense baja del avión y le dice: ”estás pendejo, yo soy el enviado de Dios”…en eso el sinaloense se acomoda la hebilla, da unos taconazos al suelo, levanta los brazos y grita: ”ni madres, yo soy el enviado de Dios”…y como al chilango no lo pueden dejar atrás les dice: ”los tres están pendejos, yo soy el enviado de Dios”…en eso un tijuanense que los veí­a les replicó: ”ahh chingá, chingá, chingá, ¿y yo cuándo mandé a alguien?”.

El chiste first appeared here.

. Algo nos han de saber.

** Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) La capital del mundo.

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Well, how does it feel to be latinamerican, Spanish speaking and mexican these days? That is the most common question in form of jest jeer I get since that fateful day in early december, I dare not recollect, to paraphrase Cervantes.

I honestly feel awful. We mexicans are at a crux in epic proportions.

Upon us are several mythological spells that have us spellbound.

The nearest one coming is 2010.

According to this myth México is to have a revolution every 100 years. 1810, 1910, and now 2010.

The next one has to do with the renovation Aztec mythology stamped its soul with: 2012, december of all dates are to conclude a period in México. Total nihilism is to be present on that date.

Besides that we have only ourselves to blame.

From the North even mild mannered anglos turn to the left and to the South all countries are regaining a sense of overcoming a history that has been unjust to them.

We mexicans?

We don’t even recognize ourselves in the shattered mirror Octavio Paz left behind to reflect ourselves upon. More and more it looks like a mirror from the ancient past: obsidian and ready material for sacrifice. Oaxaca anyone?

The opposition decries foul play accusing the PAN of being a party of the rich and obscure interests. They are accused of serving themselves the very best whilst the crumbs of the nation fall upon a mass that can’t even get a glimpse of it since the dissolution can’t reach all.

A wild capitalism that only serve to finance riches untold for every day that nation exists in its present condition.

Those in power accuse, in turn, the oppostion of sedition and of being a danger for the nation. The government even dares pin fault to the opposition for the very crimes they themselves committed during the swearing in of the said constitutional president of México. A president that rabidly accused the oppostion of tainting democratic institutions while they crookedly interpret laws to their hearts delight.

George W. Bush, México’s friend and the now Democrat held congress winking OK at the situation they have before themselves.

This in spite that the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) alarmingly stated a widely held belief in Spanish speaking América: With Calderón’s Deeply Troubled Inauguration Last Night, Amidst a Deteriorating Security Situation in Oaxaca, the Possibility of a New Mexican Revolution Cannot Be Ruled Out

The bad omen list goes on forever: there is no happy future and only a narrative that serves the purposes of the current capitalistic ideology see a future for their interests: reminds one of the first chapter of the Matrix.

The biggest irony lies in the Emperor’s new clothes: The PRI won big: the chameleon managed to infiltrate itself in the fabric of all parties. The PRI is de facto represented in all mexican parties.


Well, how does it feel to be latinamerican, Spanish speaking and mexican these days? That is the most common question in form of jest jeer I get since that fateful day in early december, I dare not recollect, to paraphrase Cervantes.

I honestly feel awful. We mexicans are at a crux in epic proportions.

Upon us are several mythological spells that have us spellbound.

The nearest one coming is 2010.

According to this myth México is to have a revolution every 100 years. 1810, 1910, and now 2010.

The next one has to do with the renovation Aztec mythology stamped its soul with: 2012, december of all dates are to conclude a period in México. Total nihilism is to be present that date.

Besides that we have only ourselves to blame.

From the North even mild mannered anglos turn to the left and to the South all countries are regaining a sense of overcoming a history that has been unjust to them.

We mexicans?

We don’t even recognize ourselves in the shattered mirror Octavio Paz left behind to reflect ourselves upon. More and more it looks like a mirror from the ancient past: obsidian and ready material for sacrifice. Oaxaca anyone?

The opposition decries foul play accusing the PAN of being a party of the rich and obscure interests. They are accused of serving themselves the very best whilst the crumbs of the nation fall upon a mass that can’t even get a glimpse of it since the dissolution can’t reach all.

A wild capitalism that only serve to finance riches untold for every day that nation exists in its present condition.

Those in power accuse, in turn, th eoppostion of sedition and of being a danger for the nation. The government even dares pin fault to the opposition for the very crimes they themselves committed during the swearing in of the said constitutional president of México. A president that rabidly accused the oppostion of tainting democratic institutions while they crookedly interpret laws to their hearts delight.

George W. Bush, México’s friend and the now Democrat held congress winking OK at the situation they have before themselves.

This inspite that the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) alarmingly stated a widely held belief in Spanish speaking América: With Calderón’s Deeply Troubled Inauguration Last Night, Amidst a Deteriorating Security Situation in Oaxaca, the Possibility of a New Mexican Revolution Cannot Be Ruled Out

The bad omen list goes on forever: there is no happy future and only a narrative that serves the purposes of the current capitalistic ideology see a future for their interests: reminds one of the first chapter of the Matrix.

The biggest irony lies in the Emperor’s new clothes: The PRI won big: the chameleon managed to infiltrate itself in the fabric of all parties. The PRI is in de facto represented in all mexican parties.

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Caldero de í­ron … ias


Un sustantivo que repercutirá en la conciencia de los mexican@s por años a venir.

Fuese verbo no tuviere el alcance que ahora tiene.

Y es que Calderón juega con fuego en una nación seca, cuyas malas yerbas están prestas para ello.

Acusose al PRD de ser un peligro quezque porque las filas de tal partido del PRI provení­an …

cuando tales, jode, si del PAN extraen su militancia.

Los que proclaman resignación no llevan en mente ese nopal de nación que llevamos en la frente todos.

El Peligro no era, después del todo Manuel (Mandado de Dios) sino Felipe (una deidad falsa pues).

Justo es pagar la deuda del pecador: es la hora del justo por pecador, que a ser verdad, es un averno conocido.

Será pues la hora del mexican@ después del todo.

Nos vemos en Comala.

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PAN: Pena Ajena Norteña

Los del PAN dan pena ajena, la verdad.
En todo el continente americano la gente revira la mirada hacia el futuro: más democracia.

Y es que las mamadas esas de Alturas que hablan los neopanistas, inclusive sus cotorros del los medios impresos (OEM, AME, AEE al fin y al cabo ralea de la misma correa) más televisivos, no supieron apostar al futuro que está presente.

Y es que no sé de qué se vanaglorian los riquillos que apostaron por el fraude.

Lejos quedan esos ricos que supieron apostar por un México que dominara las esferas de Latino América. Aquellos que supieron subir el nombre de México y cuyas visiones de lo mexicano tiene legado en muchos latinoamericanos que recuerdan un México que creí­an chingon, amigo, cuate.

Tarde y simplonamente, los del PAN, guiados desde la Santa Sede, creen que pueden alterar un futuro que no es de ellos.

Creen, en una revolución que no les pertenece.

Creen, ciegamente, en un México que ya les rechaza desde hoy, por todo el continente Americano.

Y pensar que hay defensores de estos, que creen que su gallo gano a la buena.

Y es una lástima, que Vicente Fox, quizá sin querer queriendo, haya entregado a México a las aves rapiñas de la vieja Iberia.

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like a bat que ni picha

No sé quién lo dijo, quizá un lector aleatorio lo contesté, pero según mis fuentes intelectuales, la queja de Rusia radica en el águila de dos cabezas que usa como sí­mbolo para nación.

Viendo el desmadre en San Lázaro, que de San nada tiene, pues este Lázaro nunca revive cómo bien su destino Es, caigo en cuenta de esas dos banderas al fondo, tras Tribuna.

Cual figura Rorschach. Quizá sea el único que ve una figura diabólica en esas dos águilas. No me sorprenderí­a, a second at all.

Será el sereno.

Culminación: izquierda-derecha.

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