April is the cruelest month 2014

During a run I noticed that the city park workers had done maintenance in our little lake called Ingsbergssjí¶n

I often misspell its name.

This day full of sun offered interesting aspects

Like how some thin sheets of ice lingered about

and how some ducks stood a top of those thin sheets of ice

and as the sheets gave way to the thawed water and waves, the current

the more inwards this sheet of ice moved towards the center of the lake

taking the ducks with it.

Ever seen the gaze ducks give as it stares at its environment?

Some rocks stick out from the the inwards of the lake.

Pit stops for the local fauna as birds usually stand to rest, I suppose or scan their domains

Some ice clung to their surface like a Mexican raspado

and I ventured to let my gaze peruse slightly at the crashing waves

as they receded and pulled towards the banks of the lake

I noticed too the tremendous amount of debris everywhere

Bottles, plastic, cans, a lost fishing buoy and all amounts of trash

I wondered how much trash could one collect if one decided to clean up the lake

and did nothing more than that and this


die neue Religion

Brutal honesty. Dealings with The One.

Of late I have been in a quip about how I conduct thoughts to The One.

Which brings forth another dilemma: Why the Swedes are so adamant about religion. I came to the conclusion, based on their obsession with ”truth” that they much rather deny The One as we know HÉ™n to be than to lie to HÉ™n.

Which brings me back to this spiritual dilemma when addressing The One. Honesty. Honesty towards The One. Tis not one thinks of.

The dilemma.

When Addressing The One for favors. Or thanking Hən. To what purpose or end do we address The One for that?

To ward off Evil? The quid pro quo of the everyday? What happens when we fail to keep our end of the bargain?

Hence the illusion of a failed relationship.

Hence the observation that Swedes rather much deny the existence of The One. Is it not much better to rather be one self as one is than to engage in promise making nilly wily?


De-sanctifying The One.

Do we need to sanctify the relationship with The One?

By sanctification I mean this aura of reverence one tends to don ones words when addressing The One. The idea of sanctification, in essence is one of addressing The One in a state of purity. The existence of The One is just that: pureness. An existence that must be protected from Evil. Reverence is as well what one would describe as respect and fear towards The One.

I argue that if we are to progress in a relationship with The One then one must dispense of everything which can corrupt the pureness of the sentient being as it conducts communication with The One. Anything other than oneself is just donning a false self when addressing The One. This can only lead to detrimentalness.

The idea of addressing The One on a one on One basis is cause of serious discussion and furore. But if the communication towards The One is to be all it can be then it must dispense of all other unnecessities.


NAFTA politics

Am quite confounded by NAFTA politics. It is no secret that the legislative organ of the countries in NAFTA gear more and more towards legislation which creates capital.

Having said that, what particularly baffles the living daylights out of me is Mexico.

Simply because legislation in Mexico is not any where close to what the USA and Canada have mounted to secure not only transparency but also muscle to implement said legislation and above all to make sure that any agent other than the government is in charge of everything or the mighty omnipotent agent of them all.

Mexico doesn’t deal in legislation because the pseudo parliamentarianism which exist as the de facto form of law making is just a rubber stamp body who gets paid to churn tailored law suited to fit certain interests which in turn say what is legal and what is not. Yes, there are some token positions of real legislators but the parliament is also tweaked so as to allow managed dissent. In other words, the Congress and the Senate are a sham who are not elected by the people & who have no say in who is going to represent them since the party whip decides that.

And since the democratic organs in charge of creating law are mere puppets of the few whose interests lie in making sure pure libertarianism rules the markets then the agents who move products in the NAFTA are at liberty to do as they please.

But what is confounding is the people themselves. More surprising is how NAFTA creates an intelligentsia who bows under the pressure of a system that is designed to create the illusion of a future with an education that only serve the few chosen ones who the elite in power allow them to move upwards.

Since the vacant posts in this system are few and far in between, the loyalties change radically and speedily.

Moreso in Mexico.

The middle class will betray the little people at the bottom even when the bottom feeders are made up of those very same people seeking a better life or the promise of a better life in a snap of a finger.

NAFTA has made it quite clear what the chosen few need to be able to move upwards and if said mobility ends up being ensnared in the wrong ideology then that future promise of a Middle Class lifestyle ends up in smoke.

This phenomenon is very much visible in Mexico where the wannabe upper middle class loath the the Left because in their eyes these very same people are what they are indoctrinated to believe they are: parasites who keep making Mexico a backward country.




though our soul be enslaved

by your beliefs

souls dependent on your mercy & promise

feeds on the milk & honey

eats of not bread alone

prays to thine superior

We slave to regain

the freedom we once had

howsoever as it was

tis was ours

So forgive me if I give you the finger

when you appear sanctimonious

full of your God

that we worship together

We yearn the day

When your God comes to pass

As Zeus As Tlaloc

Your legends

As Minotaur As 2012

I shall achieve real spirituality

Free at last Free at last!

You & I

Ashes ask

One for the birds

A little bird told me
I command
your presence
All I have to do is think of you
& et voilí !

of you

thinking of you
as the years pass by
am I doomed to be just a simply admirer?

Or will I touch your flesh someday?
Can I ever overcome myself
Obey the dictums
the fiats
the universe
sets in my path?

’tis no lovebird
that flutters in the depths of thy belly
the 1uncanny buterflēoge

yet am repeatedly told
this is one for the birds

1 The uncanny (German: Das Unheimliche, ”the opposite of what is familiar”) is a Freudian concept of an instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange or uncomfortably familiar. Because the uncanny is familiar, yet strange, it often creates cognitive dissonance within the experiencing subject due to the paradoxical nature of being attracted to, yet repulsed by an object at the same time. This cognitive dissonance often leads to an outright rejection of the object, as one would rather reject than rationalize


My breath slipping the vowels
your smooth skin
My lips
naming you
my soul

the quiet silence of the passing observer

ever noticed that quiet passer-by
how his eyes
lays waste
in silence?

Why does not that stranger use words to diffuse his passing glint?
Why am I accosted by the look
conferring upon
a judge
a burden
to my eyes?
Do I cause also the same with my still stare?
Does my espy instill bareness to the rock bottom of their souls as well?

Being watched
quiet silence
what regions of my ens
are you to lay a hammer of justice
and for whose reckoning?

inversed emotional auxesis

the enmity criss-crosses through different vessels
a badmouth masquerading in morality
lands with someone in power
It has achieved its first purpose
Now it can
take a stab, a jab, poison other souls

Its 2nd intent
would love to antagonize
my feelings
would love to influence my thoughts
invade my heart
control my impulses
eat my soul
I can feel the hate, the anger in the vengeance, and the thirst for insatiable pleasure in seeing wrongdoers suffer

I want to scream Am wronged! & exact just revenge

but I don’t

Reason and energy coupled with a desist motive to not hurt
disarm the onslaught of illwill
examine the wrong
choose not to act in haste
choose to allow higher powers to deal with the wrongdoings

nay, thou knowest them all
feeble souls
morally misguided
of a good fight


De todos los lugares del mundo
es el estómago que más te siente
arde al
pensar en tí­
Para ser un amor imposible
causas un pulsar
de añoranza
como si alguna vez te hubiese tenido
Mi cabeza
sin embargo
No quiere saber de quimeras
y las venas
duelen al realizar la cruel realidad de no tenerte entre mis brazos

Grammatical distance

Siempre me ha sorprendido encontrarme con ejemplos de gramática que deberí­an de hacer sonar sonajas a loco en mi aparato de detección de errores gramaticales pero que no lo hacen.

Tengan ustedes este ejemplo que escribió una de mis estudiantes de español como idioma extranjero en un trabajo que tienen que hacer tanto escrito como oral:

La corrida de toros es muy popular y en el verano se puede ver uno cada dí­a.

La concordancia nominal dicta que la palabra uno deberí­a considerarse como equivocada por cuestiones de concordancia de género. Mas sin embargo,  mi cerebro acepta este error como correcto ya que en realidad no se encuentra fuera de lugar siempre y cuando la palabra o las palabras que antecedan a esta última estén en concordancia nominal con la susodicha palabra. Y lo están, ya que lo que antecede a uno es y en el verano se puede ver uno cada dí­a en donde uno está en concordancia nominal con el verano pero no con La corrida de toros al inicio de la oración que en realidad está unida con otra oración mediante la conjunción propia y que existe dentro del mismo nivel sintáctico.

Por eso es importante estar consciente de lo que uno escribe.

