Kategori: Política general
Recently, we were told that the USA has decided to stop the importation of tuna fish, later we find out that certain companies don’t get awarded this or that contract in punishment of the pre-Irak behavior and for ’letting down’ the USA. One of the most disgusting behaviors seen during the pre-war days was the…
The USA has no credibility left in the world, in choosing the path of superior strength it has squandered the remaining moral status it had after WWII. Thanks of course to George W Bush who is by far the leading right wing hawk of the world and its fascist allies. I don’t even know how…
Kelvin Rodriguez con Dick Cheney and wife … in medias res Bien reza el dicho que dice que la pobreza es la madre de la invención, y de eso semos bien ricos los mexicanos. ’e nomás de tomar en cuenta dos ejemplos que lo demuestran. Por allá a principios de Enero salió la noticia de…
My thoughts on the USA of 2003
I believe in the USA and its constitution. It has helped many people and probably will continue to do so. But right now there is a group of people who have hijacked this ideal and turned it into a venture for their own enterprises. This sector is bound to foster conflict because they are in…
El impopular Muchos se alarman con esto de la guerra que pasó/está en proceso continuo. Muchos se abanderan con el argumento moral de que no fue correcto hacer lo que se hizo. Ofrezco cuatro puntos distintos al respecto. Punto número 1: la guerra es atroz. Punto número 2: ¿Por qué nadie habla de los beneficios…
Hace mucho que dejé de creer en las protestas callejeras. Aquí en Estocolmo tengo varios amigos que me ’invitarón’ a protestar. ’Vamos’ me dijieron. Vaya aprieto político en que me pusieron. En primer lugar no sé de donde me sacaron como un amante de la paz si tengo una cicatriz tipo Scarface en la mejilla…
Have you ever had a glass of clean, fresh, pure mountain water run your throat all the way, cascading down your ribs? At times the Nordic winds give the same feeling except that these gusts are cool and cold in a caressing manner. The spring heat is enough for the body to feel grateful at…
It’s ridiculous. Watching the war on the news in so many possible channels with so many perspectives. All the same, in English. Tone varies though if you suddenly choose other languages, but the truth is that the only ones having a ball here are the capitalists. Markets are soaring. They seem happier, yet we lesser…
Bueno, la guerra esta puesta a empezar. No hay nada en el mundo que lo impida. Historicamente los mandos militares tienen su propia manera de pensar. Nunca le hacen caso al pueblo, aun como un país que se jacta de democrata como los EEUU. ¿Y quién puede con un ejercito de risas? dice Chomsky, casi…
In 1988 I came across a sort of music that to me was new but which by then it was already old. The genre was Industrial Yet those who made that motley crue bickered over semantics. I came to it as industrial and therefore it stuck to me as industrial music. I remember I went…