Kategori: Minifix
Por la mente de Javier
Aunque a Javier Rodríguez Menendez le gustaba disfrutar de las momentos más íntimos de la vida por medio del presente, los memorias de su vida le atacaban como cuando la parca se le acerca a las almas, con sutileza. El presente se le desvanecía como fantasma. No había manera de mantenerse en esta vida en…
Por la mente de Javier
Javier Rodríguez Menendez entró al negocio de Cámaras y Fotos para comprarse una cámara. Era un acto más de desesperación por poseer un poco más de vida. Quería guardar sus memorias con el click de una cámara, conservarlas en un objeto tangible, se la hacía una invención tan magnífica. Pero detrás de la intención se…
í€ la Crosthwaite pero sin el miedo Ayer me fui a cortar el pelo. Me lo corte cerca del centro, en una peluquería/salon de belleza de Sirianos cristianos. Mientrás una jovencita me lo cortaba, a un lado estaba una dama obersevandola, cuidando, sospeché desde que la vi muy campante parada viéndonos, ese acercameinto entre sexos…
The aisle was carpeted with a carpet named Yielding Effects and the color was, according to an old catalog my mom had left behind, Oriental Jade. The walls bore paintings from the family’s efforts to inculcate their children artistic talent that only now stand there as testimony to their good intentions and their immense faith…
Experimental Writing
There was only that one chance. The crowds were thick enough to create a diversion and grab it. The moneybag lay idle in the counter, so it would be enough for a fire alarm to cause a small panic, stretch the arm, grab the dough and make a run for the door. The only obstacle…
El cafe estaba frío y las meseras ni lo peleban ya. Nunca uso reloj porque le molestaba saber la hora del día y ahora que era de suma importancia no sabia ni pedirla. Por eso se levantó de la mesa echandole una última miradita a la mesera esa de falda cortita y salió caminando por…
The trees had been planted by some immigrants at the time Alaska belonged to Mother Russia. They were not native to this soil but adapted themselves very well, spreading far and wide across the valley and even proclaimed a natural reserve not so long ago. It now attracts tourists from afar as Siberia and a…
Greg drew sketches of objects his irises picked up ’outside him’ he says. Carl on the other side of the studio wrote sketches. He used words like puzzle bits and his pencil like a brush. ’The mind’ he said, ’is the canvas’. There was a particular one that drew my attention, so to speak. It…
There was only that one chance. The crowds were thick enough to create a diversion and grab it. The money bag lay idle in the counter, so it would be enough for a fire alarm to cause a small panic, stretch the arm, grab the dough and make a run for the door. The only…
When the trees started to swoosh with the force of the winds my hair began to be caressed by the gusts of the fresh morning breeze. My neck felt the coolness of the early hours light and I kept walking against the gales and ended up loving the chilly air touching my face, I fell…