Kategori: Aztlan
Xicanismo suffers from cultural encapsulation. Most Xicano figures are so immersed in a minority role that they can’t lift their heads to see that they are being studied by nit just ourselves but by a host of international guest who take a great deal of time and painstaking research to try to understand us. Yet…
will we ever
Reading the latest stats from the U.S. Census Bureau which I was prompted to do by the feedline @TheAtlantic churns out on its twitter feed I realize that Chicanos don’t exist in that database by any definition. Then again I only did a superficial search, eitherways, it kinda bothers me a twad not to see…
I tend to adopt an attitude towards language that it’s nearly pristine in its stipulations since I exact a nativists view on language that cannot possibly meet the standards I want. That is, I want what it is said in L1 to be exactly the same as in L2. An impossibility by all means. Yet…
Bad little voice bad little boys sing a llulaby that kisses me bye-bye Kill me softly with my own locally grown bad feelings murder my ego because it wants to feel me good Little hell constructed comments that eat me up away far far into the depths of low self steem, sing a song a…
Quinto comment II
In relation to the Fifth Comment: Here in Sweden, Swedes can’t see beyond my ethnic look or what their eyes tell them I am. A brown person. So the idea of an American has also been hijacked by color lines. Although, much to my surprise Swedes don’t see themselves in those color lines though their…
Malplaced Autoctono II
Y es por eso que me pregunto cómo es que viven los gíüeros en México. Y es que los mexicanos que vivimos en el extranjero damos cuenta de varias cosas que la élite de México no quisiera que nosotros supiéremos o rendir cuenta de ello. Una de esas es que el blanco en México es…
La identidad tijuanense
Esta versión pronto aparecerá en el San Diego Reader en inglés también. A pesar del hecho de que el crimen acosa la vida cotidiana, y aunque usted no lo crea, no está uno acostumbrado ni al crimen ni a cadáveres pues, los tijuanenses de vez en cuando nos damos golpes de pecho sobre quién tiene el…
Jovita Gonzáles 8th comment
In A Scotch Paisano in Old Los Angeles1 a seldom researched area is taken to task, namely, that of assimilation of Anglos in what is a predominantly Spanish-Mexican dominated territory era. Anglos converted to Catholicism and abade by Hispanic customs. So is the case also in Jovita’s book2. There is a lot of intermarriage with…
Jovita Gonzáles 7th comment
Carmen Fought has done a remarkable job by giving us a structured form of ChE. I haven’t read Chicano English in Context through and through though but I have stopped in certain passages where my eyes have noticed the value in the observations or the examples. One such example that has drawn my attention is…
Beware of camping Latinos
Forest Service warns Coloradans: Beware of camping Latinos By John Tomasic 8/28/09 6:41 PM In a presentation on recent discoveries of major marijuana-cultivation operations in Colorado, the U.S. Forest Service said it suspected an international cartel was behind the state’s hidden weed farms. Officials issued a warning that asked forest visitors to look for signs…