Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Aztlan

  • Smell it like it is: Sabotage

    The president’s office said Thursday that all available evidence suggested bad weather led to a helicopter crash that killed Public Safety Secretary Ramón Martí­n Huerta, Federal Preventive Police Commissioner Tomás Valencia, five other passengers and a crew of two. The fact of the matter is that arms smuggling from the US into México has increased…

  • ¡Gracias Aztlán!

    Ok, first and foremost my deepest apoligies to Pachuco, who surprisilingly enough, agrees with me that returning territories to proper México contravenes the very fabric of the Xicano ens But señot Martí­nez, what are you apoligizing for? Sí­, that is correct, forget my digressions. It is a custom I drag over from spanish. It is…

  • for those not in the know

    Ana Castillo is blogging, seemingly, full time. Viva Chicago ese! While you are at it go watch a video that my conciudadano Ilich Sabotage made. It’s a fictional account of middle class drug dealers in Tijuana, it’s just as if it were the bare truth ese.

  • a world wide vision

    It did good to distant myself from my Xicanismo. I realize that writing the stuff that I would normally write in spanish in english will be of little appeal to the english blogsphere. There isn’t any interest yet in mixing the problematic of border xicanismo like mine that includes both english and spanish as its…

  • How Federico Campbell is so dead wrong

    One of the characteristics of the 70 year PRI reign in México was its alliances with the cultural elite. If the neocons of the Bush clan in the beginning began to blame the malaise that affected American society on Hollywood only to then raise ’acceptable’ cultural icons at a later stage (for example when elections…

  • Elena, Mexican Representative at large

    Vaya. I received with great astonishment the news that Elena is running for representative for Mexicans in her corner of the world. I know of no other person better suited for the job than her. I have been an avid reader of the travails that she has gone through in trying to help others meet…

  • The real face of Katrina

    Leonard Thomas, de 23 años, muestra su congoja luego de que policí­as allanaron la vivienda en la que permanecí­a junto con su familia, en Nueva Orleáns. Algunas personas denunciaron que se habí­an metido ilegalmente en la casa, pero fueron liberados cuando probaron que era suya

  • La tercera raza

    First of all I would like to thank all who dare venture a click to see what is happening here in this blog. As what can be seen by the dates that appear here and there on the blog it would somewhat offer a hint that nothing much is happening. In fact, due to the…

  • El colmo de los colmos

    Got one of those spam mails today: High quality Replica. Now, how in the hell can a replica be of high quality to begin with? It’s a fucking replica for crying outloud ese!

  • la mal historia or how jocks have more fun

    La codiciada bandera de El Alamo is the story of the La Jornada Article. A newspaper well known for its leftist tendencies and the like. I dunno who they are doing a favor with this headline and story. To top it off I read in the Agonist the very alarmist news that Texas: It’s Not…