Yonder Lies It

Kategori: Ese moods

  • Música

    I like to be organized yet when it comes to music I fail to find any pleasure in this otherwise mundane chore. I feel bothered by t hings that are not straight. This is part of this little knack in my personality. Though I can live with chaos around me I inevitably fail to do…

  • pauperrimos indemocrático

    My God. I think that I have been more consistent in my efforts to diary here more than previous failed attempts. I spent nearly a whole year without doing any effort to write and here I am. I believe that I can safely return to the posting thang more often now. I was musing about…

  • one for the road

    In the age of the blog, Stream of consciousness will revolutionize neurosis in ways only television can understand … Yesterday, my closest friend ever said the unthinkable, he said, I hate Hitler. I couldn’t believe my ears. He said, upon me asking why, that it was because of him, a state of Israel exists today.…

  • O’

    Drropy eyes burped the last gas yet the beer calls yet Tired am not wish I had more time . Though the clock insists ’tis struck

  • patriarchism strikes again

    Reading this sent revulsions of all sorts down my spine. The most famous record of slave life, Frederick Douglass’s ”Narrative,” rendered vividly the vile mix of lust and domination practiced by slave owners. This is a bunch of poo in the loo in my eyes. The most famous is by far Incidents in the Life…

  • Daily Kos

    The weird and odd thinker at Daily Kos [too asimilado for my taste] had nothing to add to the immmigration issue and the mass protests that ensued thereby. So much for crashing the gates. There is a thing that assimilated to the core Xicanos loath most and that is Raza being raza. For these kind…

  • one last time

    I must confess that when I think of this blog its death is my wish. I want to do away with it yet somehow, it remains. This is due because all my ideas are channeled throught the spanish blog and by the time I near this blog I have emptied my soul unto God’s language.…

  • to each its own

    People don’t inmediately associate the word each with one. But it is, in essence, a synonym of One. Ain’t that crazy? Am not a on demand writer. I hate writing on demand. I just don’t have the gusto for it. Hey! did you know that the word gusto is also a Swedish word? I was…

  • Adj New Year

    Oh, this is just damn dandy, hilarious and outrages. Another year, as if. You know that saying about a hole and a head, you get the drift. Am on my second day of it and am already feeling old and tired of it. Where is my mojo? Who knows. On the first of what we…

  • metalinguistic privacy

    I have come to realize that monolinguals and bilinguals aproach language in various manners. Monolinguals just don’t feel the sting of language as much as we bilinguals do. Language hurts. Bilinguals feel language and we are more sensitive to it. It is something that monolinguals fail to understand. I suppose it has something to do…