Månad: augusti 2015
Time is the fire in which we burn*
The spirits burn my belly remordimientos infernales som aldrig slutar skrika remontándome al pasado atormentan el alma Anima Sola bogged down slentrian som aldrig tar slut the nails dig deep in the walls which surround this mental crap from whence a door revolves, spins Alas! Mobil Avenue WTF? Spins round & round in my head…
Los miedos del hoy por hoy
Lo malo de las temperaturas en latitud 57.65 cuando hace calor y está nublado es que siempre se siente sofocado, y más a las hora de estar a punto de acabar las labores del día. No sé, como que las ansiedades repuntan a climax inimaginable y los malditos nervios quieren hacer trizas la poca paciencia…
I used to like it when light Announced changes It used to be so Air now Does that Sudden bursts Pre-tell The coming season As if fluttering tree leaves In summer or spring Fluttered differently than Fall or winter . It used to be so Here in E There in A
I wasn’t thinking you know me pruning a tree getting rid of dead bracnhes from a wim the lady passed by with her poodle ahead ”va duktig du í¤r Julio” she said that is, in protestant speak, doing well Ese. Thank you I said. Am just taking dead branches away I muttered or said or…