Monthly Archives: June 2005

Nej till Valjakt i Sydkorea!

MAS DE MIL 500 MEXICANOS EN “MARCHA VIRTUAL” CONTRA CAZA DE BALLENAS ¡íšnete a la Marcha Virtual! *Greenpeace i Mexiko protesterar genom internet valjakten i Sydkorea. “Whale Embassy” in Ulsan, South Korea

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Todo indica que así es, los famosos escritores de la Narrativa del Norte, Rafa, BR, Quimerista Crosthwaite, Hyepez y otros en la bloguesefera tijuanense no son escritores con compromiso porque le sacan. Se refugian en la ficción de lo cotidiano. … Continue reading

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Emulsión de Scott

Sé que todos los escuincles entre 10 y 13 me odiaran por esto, por suerte la edad promedia de los que por acá se afocan oscila entre los 20 y 40 pero los abuelos tenían razón, el aceite de bacalao … Continue reading

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Lincolns thoughts murdered, again.

Could someone please tell me how did government of the people, by the people, for the people become against the people?

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Otro de esos

Para empezar yo soy de los viejos tijuanenses y ya antes había pasado una lista que nos reconocia como tales, aparentemente la nueva plebe, los morros pues, ya sacaron la suya, en algunos todavia me reconozco, pero hay varios donde … Continue reading

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What I like about Sandra Dionisi’s painting is that it both reflects a snake and a scorpion at the same time in her work. Que viva la reconquista!

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Requiered reading ese

“La Malinche.” Slave, interpreter, secretary, mistress, mother of the first “Mexican.” her very name still stirs up controversy. Associate Professor of History R. Douglas Cope teaches Mexican and colonial Latin American history. He is the author of The Limits of … Continue reading

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Serve chilly and cold on a plate ese!

It is not for me to glee at the desgracias de otros pero this motherfucker left una puta espina clavada long time ago. And I for one, (Me persino and all that crap) am glad this motherfucker is going down. … Continue reading

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Mi lengua, mi nación

For too long I was embarrased of my Xicano accent. Frankly. I cringed into a hell of angst and embarrassment whenever my i’s* faltered and betrayed an otherness that was far from the american ideal. Here in Europe I can … Continue reading

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Soy gabacho, y qué?

It cracks me up. One of the things that I fight and strive for in this blog is to defend our nativeness. For far too long have been led to believe that we are immigrants, illegals, and other nonnative beings … Continue reading

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