Månad: mars 2003
Recontrachijoles … Pensar que sólo por una demora fui a dar a Tijuana Blog Central, me acuerdo muy bien de ese día. Blogger estaba así como congestionado, luego, en un vistazo de esos de reojo me di color de una palabra: Tijuana. Volteé a ver bien, sí, sin duda, hice click …y zaaz! Di con…
Vera Brittan: Testament of Youth
Vera Brittan recounts her fight for her independent self as an uphill battle. We get this, as it seems that she is engaged in a Sisyphus task in order for her to accomplish her education. Our hero is put to test her belief; the devil is society, her milieu. I find it amazing how Beauty…
The space keyboard brings insecurity to my typing. It is wobbly, in a fit of misdirected force I became irate and hit it thus making the spacebar wobbly. It’s nearly reflecting my approach to writing. As I always fear the power words have, and ultimately the power the reader has; unto them, I stand needlessly…
Being trilingual has caused interesting activities in my brain. Although I’ve never had any problems with Spanish and English sharing the same mass of grey matter, it seems that English and Swedish are just being too concomitant with each other, like lost cousins they intermingle. They’ve cozied up too much producing a dissonance in my…
Veo las películas latinas; en español, italiano, francés, portugés y miro con admiración como es que la pasión es lo que causa vida. Las manos en el aire, los gritos, los momentos entre un hombre y una mujer, llenos de pasión; se besan, se gritan, se enaltecen, se aman. Los miro y me da risa…
Dear diary, not! I reached a point of observation, on top of the lighthouse I saw with the aid of the ramp light a common scene, the sea. I saw millions of sparkles in its water, all very amazing in varying degrees, yet I saw a struggle there too, namely, the need for uniqueness. Half…
It’s ridiculous. Watching the war on the news in so many possible channels with so many perspectives. All the same, in English. Tone varies though if you suddenly choose other languages, but the truth is that the only ones having a ball here are the capitalists. Markets are soaring. They seem happier, yet we lesser…
Por estos días los tambores de guerra se escuchan por todo el mundo, Estados Unidos esta perdido, el idealismo por el cual el mundo entero creia en él, han perecido. Esta de luto el mundo. La verdad, no se deja ver aun, el humo esta espeso. La verdad es que el patriotismo, a base de…
Then that same night he told her he couldn’t lie, they drank beer, lying right there on the spot to each other. He had that flash, that flash that’s like a chain and ball, heard the chin-cling loud and clear and wanted freedom. He felt high as ever, didn’t really want part of her, he…