by a tijuanense xicano: identity, religion, a dab of politics & wads literature @ 2¢ a pop – exegete at large
the nihilist virus wants to renew itself forever it wants a life and an imagination to last a lifetime to reinvent itself to gut till it tires alloveragain ceaselessly a joy bug who pukes in delight .
de esas de aquellas
Mis huesos Vivieron En el Valle Hasta el cansancio Y La Voz del Pueblo Esquiniaba Contra Kawuila De a buche Habría que pedirlos Para poder saborear Bien las 2am y wachar El farol de luces Recaer sobre las costras De mugre que soltaban olores justos para wacarear aquel walk of shame soltar cacharpas a la…
The Fifth Impossibility
When I bought this book I was in serious depression mode. I felt I belonged so in glee I pressed ok, buy. I live in a so called ’foreign’ land and I ache for my ’motherland’. The attraction was mutual. Then. Time passed. I was vulnerable. So I forked the bucks through my Kindle tablet.…
Borrowed Time: An AIDS memoir
I first read Borrowed Time, with that jacket, yes, in the late summer of 1996. My first and only term at SDSU which is to this day, I feel, my true Alma mater. Such was the impact of it that one April the 8th of a 2015 I decided to buy it again in digital…
Church of Spies The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler
I ought to add a category for books read on my Kindle Amazon owns though I pay for it almost everyday. So I read Church of Spies – The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler. By a dude named Mark Riebling. A lad with a many credentials. He is not your neighborhood comadre so his research…
The calender
I am surprised by the passing of time. Not that it has changed. Just my perception of it. That has changed. I wonder if that is how water feels as it traverses rivers and seas or stagnating in puddles. Though it befuddles me to no end. Here I am, end of February, and it feels…
秋霜 QiÅ«shuÄng
In my bathroom mirror there are a couple of white hairs clinging to its surface. They bring my existence to a head as I am reminded of my autumn frost as the Chinese are wont to say. I find them peculiarly interesting in a way they make me pause my life to realize the fact…
Streets of N. This autumn 2016. The weather is fine, here in N. As I was about to walk & cross the cobblestone street to step unto the sidewalk in the narrow stretch of public terrain & a public road in the heart of the Swedish highlands I scanned my surroundings ready to saunter as…
Orar por el mal
I asked God if he could take a a second to pardon Satan Evil that Love conquer over Hate So that Evil’s restlessness come to a rest so that we may live in peace then I feared Evil Satan itself fear for daring to pray for its soul i imagined its wrath I imagined a…
⨧ espanta ver su tamaño ⨢ tan tranquila aguardando tiempo ⨐ quisiere usar la aspiradora ⨒ el instinto desechar fealdad ⪃ ganas dan ese momento ⩼ al mismo tiempo que le asalta ⩻ preocupación a uno ⩺ ¿qué comerá? ⩹ y albricias como un cruel Haiku ⫱
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