Kategori: blog
¿y yo porqué?
I realize the look of the blog is a clear cut absolute synonym for sterility. Blank. Sort of reminds one of the highschool joke about books: teacher, there aren’t any pictures in this book. As far as blogs are concerned this particular one violates all rules for success. There is no entertainment for the Iris.…
rantissimus annoyenius
I have come to the conclusion that I don’t like wordpress. IT makes it difficult for me to save and I find it too troublesome to do anything with it. For example, the tags I use for technorati disappear everytime I edit the post. Perhaps I should learn to wait for the tags until am…
where just gonna hafta dock some pay out of your check ese. Pero porwhy eses? Chale homes, you like pay more attention to the Spanish and Swedish blogs nowadays than me ese. Pero its not done intentionally ese! Sorry, a dock it is.
No freaging mames gíüey …
A ver, I had to rub my pinches ojos and wash my specs at the very sight. I couldn’r freaging believe lo que leía delante de my screen. Oso + Sensory Overload = true? Of all the unlikely people. I just can’t get it over my head. Shíjole ese. Adelante. You don’t need my stinking…
Faith based Lectores
The power of the word never ceases to impress me. Especialmente cuando esas palabras conforman parte del lienzo donde se pinta al ser que supuestamente debería corresponder a la imagen que las palabras muestran. This becomes moreso a truth on the internet where the word adquieres ready made power, so much is taken for granted…
Holy molly!
Well slap me in the face and call me aunt Jamina, I was linked by the Agonist. Jíjole mano! I better clean up the place, I never expected visitors to this place from that corner of the net, shit, this is huge. Thanx for the Link Sean!
coverage of the boycott in the mexican blogsphere
Dang, people were desperate for news or commentary on the boycott that even I made it not only to technorati but another place as well. My rants tend to give odd kinds of results. Suffice to say I’ll let it stand. Interpretations are weird and it is pretty much useless to combat notions arised out…
of Girlcotts, je, I mean boycotts and other media inspired thoughts
Ok, I moved some numbers on the css and the context box and sidebar box of my wp based blog and are now at different variables than before. I wanted to add the radioblog, check it out. It’s got a few swedish indy selections and other goodies that are given free on the net. Right,…
the black of the pixel posing as a letter on your screen
Zulma Aguiar, another Chicana de la frontera, or so it seems: welcome to the fold, the more the merrier. As we merrily recall, Geronimo, pops and I, she once left a message at the offices asking us to check out some grrrls at a flickr acount she has. Well, now we know she has a…