Kategori: Xicano Commentary
Peregrinos de Aztlán
Well I’ve been slacking. I was forced upon a swath the size of the Congress Library of work to do, and what did I do today? Slack, that’s right ese! so yeah, and my own personal protestant guilt tormentor from Queen Elizabeth’s time is beating the living crap of any shred of self-steem that still…
Barrio Warriors
I haven’t the slightest idea who came up with such a catchy name but let me tell you, it ain’t good. It is supposed to resonate in the mind of the gringo and it probably will. I can imagine some republican speech writer coming up with it in some smokey republican board room saying it…
Xicanos as latinos
Whether Xicanismo likes it or not there is a latino force outhere to be reckoned with and it must embrace it. I say this because I have just been listening to Pepito for the past two days, an SF based band with ties to my birth city of Tijuana and a lad from Cuba. And…
It rains in the plains of Sweden
Well I can officially kiss the suntan I adquiered during my sojourn in México adios. Its been raining cats and dogs in Sweden for 6 weeks in a row now and that means I will probably miss not only the summer the rest of the planet is probably indulging itself in right about now (-…
Warrior-Poet of the Fifth Sun
The good offices of Aztecpoet.com were kind enough to send me via internet Luis A. López recent book titled Warrior-Poet of the Fifth Sun, innercircle publishing 2004. I must confess that if poetry has the quality to speak to the soul, Luis’s book not speaks but guides the path to be taken. This is Xicano…
On Reies Lopez Tijerina & Reuters
I often find it amazing how America Gringa refuses to acknowledge some of its own history, twist it and bedmake it to sleep with the Other in its own house. I suppose it is easier for Gringo USA to see its own population thus. It is afterall, easier to manage since the Other in the…
Two concerned Aztlán citizens
Yonderliesit.org received two rather interesting emails from two concerned Aztlán citizens just a little less than what it took you to read this. On the one hand, one email writer, mind you, at yonderliesit.org we faithfully hold to the anonymous right of the writer in question to maintain his or her full anonimity. As this…
Viva Chicano Lit
The Republic of East L.A. – Stories (2002) by Luis J. Rodriguez I am invariably always surprised at the ease with which I can understand Chicano literature. I can see right throught it. I figure it must be the cultural baggage. I mean I understand every concept, image, and connotation implied in those letters. I,…
wachatelas ese
The phoneme /w/ [a voiced labio-velar approximant, lip rounding] has multiple and productive sounds in the spanglish and espanglish Xicano community. For us there are choices to be made between: Gíüey, huey and wey Gíüero, huero and wero What, guat and huat Wacatelas, guacatelas and huacatelas (seldom seen written as thus) Wacha Wayno (although to…
California, Bustamante and MeCHA
Citizens against citizens, a view of the blog world led me to interesting commentary on this as they avalanched Cruz Bustamante on his allegiances to MeCHA. There was a conserted effort to question Bustamantes real intentions to get to power as if becoming governor of California would entail the power to return California back to…