Kategori: Xicanismo
Xicanos as latinos
Whether Xicanismo likes it or not there is a latino force outhere to be reckoned with and it must embrace it. I say this because I have just been listening to Pepito for the past two days, an SF based band with ties to my birth city of Tijuana and a lad from Cuba. And…
On Reies Lopez Tijerina & Reuters
I often find it amazing how America Gringa refuses to acknowledge some of its own history, twist it and bedmake it to sleep with the Other in its own house. I suppose it is easier for Gringo USA to see its own population thus. It is afterall, easier to manage since the Other in the…
That Pocho thang again
I am ocassionally given to the reading of books which I, more often than not, peruse more than finish when the need arises to let time pass by in an adequate manner. So whenever I find myself answering the calls of mother nature I am of the habit of calmly answering it whilst I read…
There is a discussion going on between those who share spanish as one of their tongues. Some say Hispanic should be the all representative word and other Latinas/os. I say that if you are to represent spanish speakers from America then it is Latinos, if they are from Iberia Hispanics. There isn’t a doubt that…
Chicano Thoughts
I have recently come to the awareness that the rainbow coalition, not to be confused with the failed Jesse Jackson presidential bid of the 90’s, is a hoax to smears us down. Allow me to expand. Colors are barrierless. If we keep to our current notions regarding colors, we in society shall always be that…