I declare

I am an apprentice of the written word and that I use a weblog as a notepad to explore said skills. I use language and manipulate its multiple meanings to achieve certain goals. This weblog then is a laboratory where I experiment the varied uses a word can have or the various meanings a phrase can attain.

His treasured Tijuana; Federico Campbell frequently writes about the town of his youth, a scruffy yet idyllic place colored by memory. … “I don’t identify very much with this ‘problematic’ ” of Tijuana, says Campbell, sipping espresso at his book-filled home in Mexico City’s bohemian Condesa neighborhood, where he lives with his wife. “It’s a subject for study by anthropologists, sociologists, journalists and the College of the Frontera Norte. I think that literature doesn’t necessarily do this.” He also doesn’t believe in overselling Tijuana’s singular qualities or in hyping its significance in the context of contemporary Mexico. “I don’t want to fall into this thing of, ‘Oh, the most interesting border in the world! The Tijuanenses, we are so fascinating!’”

I declare to agree with half of what Federico Campbell has stated and plan to follow the mentioned idea al pie de la letra.

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