
Ok, esta va para los neoborderlites the likes of Rafadro y Hyepez and other leeches of the cultural elite que are sucking the land of Tijuana like puercos capitalistas and ofendiendo la land que les vio nacer a estos first generation Baja Californianos.

Francamente I find it un distaste de lo más desagradable que estos neoborderlites piensen que están painting a new landscape, in fact, they are not painting nada, I find more telling in a velvet painted negra y torero from a curios shop then the lousy words they use to describir Tijuana, porque nada saben estos neofronterizos.

They think que Tijuana es so new they are the ones, como gringos high on Manifest Destiny, and loaded with the National media like Reforma and others who are even more blind to the realities of la Frontera than ellos, God appointed, to tell the rest of the world what Tijuana is like and what it is. Fools!

For the first let me dump all the possible shit I can on igno-savant Hyepez quién se cree es la voz de la Baja, se cree Tijuanense pero I more and more doubt eso, con todo my freaking heart, dudo que este señor really has even been raised en Tijuana. Is he really from Tijuana? No sabe ni distinguish un Chicano from another Chicano, he is embarrased of his land, he renunciates all that Chicanismo is, he, doesn’t even probably know what a Chicano from Tijuana is, people, gente, I beg of you, this man is a false prophet, do not give him an ounce de tu atención. Este hombre is happy ignoring everything americano, por qué? Lo americano is una forma de Tijuana as well as pan dulce and tortillas from la Buena. Hyepez turns his back to all American because he looks for success due south, and he is a Judas willing to sell us out for 30 dracmas. This is a conservative in Tijuana porque él pertenece a esa elite that represses Tijuana’s own dialecto, he is ashamed to even utter words like baika, troca, brekas and other palabras like ’wachar’ which are problamente too borderlike for his refinado high brow vulgar castilian lingo, que no va más allá de su little comarquita, de seguro que he even represses our beautiful dialect as ’bad’ español. He belongs to the conservative wing in Tijuana who abhors us natives, to me he is a traitor in every degree y lo digo porque lo he seguido like a Simon Wisenthal agent que sigue a un nazi, cada letra de sus writings dice: I hate Tijuana, I wish I was born en otro lado.

Frankly es un acto de dishonesty to ignore other writers, such of the likes como Miguel Mendez, way antes que existiera una narrativa del Norte, con sus hybrid texts con english and español habí­a otros narradores que el sur ni los miraba, antes no habí­a NAFTA-ites como Crosthwaite or traitor Hyepez and Rafadro. Ahora es ’popular’ hablar de la frontera, off course, hijos de Salinas, quién más, I should of suspected that el camino al infierno esta paved de puras buenas intentions.

Rafadro (corrected version), you think that you have coined so many new words but you are engaging in academy dishonesty, mi amigo, I am embarrassed to even leerte a veces, y más embarressment me da ver a tu clica who follows you so blindedly, oh you are so buti cool. You are not even anywhere new in this field, there have been so many antes que tu that it is loco, I hope that history will soon come after you and discover el fraude que has cometido en el name de Tijuana, but there is still time to redeem tu self. In you I place un grano de faith. Do not disappoint me.

We are not to look due south, nor al Norte, we belong en la frontera, no tenemos ningún geografical location más alla de un nowwhere land, como el bordo, para los americans we are el sur and para los sureños we are el Norte and ahí­, between those two is where donde más semos nosotros, unlike Hyepez quién quiere explicarles al resto de México how we semos y Rafadro who is led to a high by newsies to explain this and that …por favor, let me puke on the texts they put out because I know los fracasos que son.

Y lo peor de todo es que son fracasos because sus textos are not true a su gente y su tierra, false letras describen falsas ficciones y realidades.

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