Monthly Archives: January 2014

de perfumes

Tengo muchos años usando perfume para hombre. Un buen amigo de la infancia, José Virgen alías el Brujo, Kiko y Cheché, nos introdujo a las susodichas fragancias cuando trabajaba para una tienda en Tijuana que se llamaba Importaciones Sara’s allá … Continue reading

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Had to ask

So am writing profusely in English. Don’t ask why. It just happens. I think I started picking up on my writing because of Hemingway. Or the movie at least. The one with that chick, Nicole Kidman. Though I’ve read a … Continue reading

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I don’t really know how much of a Swede I am. I mean, here I am, expressing that in English. I suppose that I can never be a Swede in the physical sense but in the realms of how a … Continue reading

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I don’t know what this country has come to. Frankly. you’d think that in a country like Sweden there be beer for sale on what I thought, and seemed, to be an ordinary any other day. I know that in … Continue reading

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Insights 56ythxc3

I realized an important thing for me in Rome: am an attractive man. Here in Sweden I am always wondering if there is something wrong me when it comes to women and I always end up feeding negative energy to … Continue reading

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