Yonder Lies It

Månad: december 2013

  • When in Rome

    I think I insulted Rome when I said to myself that it bore resemblance to México City. It’s right down dirty and ugly at first sight. Except the dirtiness looks prettier in Rome because, well, it’s Rome. The imagination just takes off had Italians been the ones to conquer México and not Spaniards. I haven’t…

  • retazos mentales

    Find myself thinking about human relations today. Not because I hate the xmas season, which I do. But because solitude seems to glue some aspects of society in some pretty weird ways. Take for example a man I saw today while I had to wait for my departure train to arrive on its tracks. This…

  • Sin voz

    En mi paí­s nos hemos quedado sin voces. Las habí­a. Hoy queda solo la boquita muerta, sin labia. Ese es el menester del a bien dado, o bien es No hay campo para rijosos no porque no hay rijosos sino porque lo rijoso se ha hecho carrera y como toda carrera hay competencia para ser…