Månad: februari 2012
I realize that in order to be able to write I must do that which I could so easily do before: concentrate. Concentration is a serious business. It demands more than one is able to give if consciousness would afford us so. The fact is that concentration is vital to writing. Focus etc. And apparently…
Hay una chica que me llama la atención me convulsiona la vida un poco resisto escuchar las emociones que me causa pensar en ella. Hago bien, hago mal mis pensamientos ya saben que hacer: contra-producir todo tipo de esperanza solo el alcohol me hace sentirme un poco confianzudo por lo demás, y sobrio, dudo hasta…
Ever stretched your hand? Do so now. See the red lines drawn in the palm of your hand? Don’t let my clumsy writing as I tell you this bother you though a few errors might distract said fact best left ignored. The future. Porqué desisto de escribir en inglés? y porqué no quiero molestarme en…