Day One

I realized how weird it is for me to speak my native languages outside the restricted areas of my life. I for one seldom use Spanish as a means to communicate in Sweden. I have one, two at most, people where I tend to flush out the Old Cervantes and imposible bard out in full force, I rather tend to do this via the written means, hence my blog in Spanish. English I use mostly at home to speak to my life partner whom has to endure a host of diatribes for using bad phonology in her English. Yes, I confess, I inevitable end up being some sort of language police for her. I have, though, realized my actions lead nowhere and I try and avoid commenting on her ‘mistakes’.


There is a mirror here at the Lafayatte Hotel in México City that makes me look rather fat, not that am not, mind you. But I dislike it either way, too much a truth at once can be to much reality for the brain and ego to mull at one single time, right?


I was surprised this day, this is my first day in México, arrived at the wee hours of the morning and had to wait for the hotel management to give the ok for a room. Cleaning chores what not, but as I waited I took a stroll to the Cathedral and lo and behold there I found a former teacher of mine from Stockholm University´s spanish department. Shit, how often that happens? I admire this guy, he is a poet in Sweden. But he did not know the hornets nest he came to in México, his route includes Oaxaca, oops, broil and more broil I said.


El Metro a las 6 de la mañana no es para gente mediaclasera, creo que hasta repulsión de viajar en el Metro a esas horas existe pues no hay nada más que pobreza viajando a esas horas por el Metro de la lí­nea 1 y 2. And I definitely still think defeños lack a fashion sense.


I stopped at the Zocalo, as I always do when I come to México City, and I rested smack nearby the mexican flag. Boy is the federal government peeing in its pants or what? They were sardos galore everywhere huffing and puffing their stupid psych ops to the crowds, what the? Then, as I was killing time because the hotel hadn’t fixed my room yet, this guy out of the fucking straight blue came by telling all kinds of weirds stories. The guy is from Sonora, that much I am certain of, he had the lingo for it, but the rest man, this guy had been in Nam, a lego soldier, an investigator and knows a wee bit about Hank Rhon’s personal secretary and sheees, this guy owned several stores and uff, all the while I kept asking myself, well, if you are so rich why is your leather belt so britlle and worn out? I tell you, and worst of all, this guy purpoted to have german blood in him, he kept ranting about being on time blah, blah, jí­jole, the kind of bullshit one can endure in less then half and hour at the Zocalo, straight out of the blue.


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