Yonder Lies It

Månad: november 2006

  • un quicio enmohecido

    Gotan Project: Confianza Es sumamente absurdo pensar en la dignidad estos dí­as. Mas en una sociedad como la mexicana. Mas absurdo es que existan leyes anacrónicas en función que resguardan la dignidad de las personas y más absurdus aún es que estas leyes protegan a funcionarios públicos que se sirven del erario público para ganarse…

  • Raymond

    The glassdoors had a perfect view of the bay from his apartment. The ocean carried a vanishing fog away from daylight and as the winds pushed the remaining greyish banks of clouds, the horizon came into view ever so slowly. Some boats could be seen from the distance. He saw seagulls take to flight after…

  • está dos-tres

    Se da lo que se llama el choque cultural cuando nuestros estandards se ven cara a cara. Los estandards del tijuanense, adquieren un estandard gabacho. It comes con el territory. Por eso, el conflicto entre la población tijuanense del que nadie habla: los tijuanenses son flojos. No es que seamos flojos, simplemente caminamos en un…

  • George Orwell: Politics and the English Language (1946)

    In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics’. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer. I should expect to find — this is a guess which I have not sufficient…

  • uncanny intra muros

    I liked the following political cartoon by T. Sifuentes P. I did so because it typifies to the dot the inmigration problem between US and México. On the one side we see Uncle Sam leaning against a wall that our good friend Jorge doble U Arbusto signed into law. On the other a what may…

  • The big flop

    He seguido con detenimiento la Marcha Contra la Inseguridad en Baja California. Y de los pronosticados 30 mil sólo 600 [ahora el Frontera dice que 1200] de ellos han llegado a la meta. Supe desde el principio que la Marcha serí­a un fracaso total porque los organizadores son sólo medioclaseros. Y es que el problema…

  • Oaxaca

    Argh, so much shit is happening in Oaxaca that the linguistic pull is inevitable, I spend tremendous amount of time trying to keep up to date with the conflict. I sometimes collaborate with the Agonist and turn in pieces there but right now I just read and keep on reading. I am kissing my broadband…