Månad: september 2005
La Jade
Go read a mi conciudadana Jade at Te darí¬a mi vida pero la estoy usando… Her acculturation just rips my guts apart pero that’s what the process indicates. Para empezar, I`m in a new school in the US. I studied there before, a long time ago, and I missed being foreign because gringos think you…
He descubierto que el Mezcal no sirve para las actividades mentales. Es una bebida bruta. Si tomo whisky eso ayuda, no sé porque, ni me pregunten porqué. Sólo sé que Mezcal no sirve para disfrutar un rato la computadora. Or at the very least it takes a while before one can enjoy the effects of…
Recensión ajena
HERB ALPERT’S TIRELESS SPERM Nortec Collective continues to define the sound of Tijuana You just gotta love the title of this news article. For the rest of the story clickeale acá ese. By the by’s, if you wanna try your good rotten luck, a veces these guys give out free music en su saite.
Smell it like it is: Sabotage
The president’s office said Thursday that all available evidence suggested bad weather led to a helicopter crash that killed Public Safety Secretary Ramón Martín Huerta, Federal Preventive Police Commissioner Tomás Valencia, five other passengers and a crew of two. The fact of the matter is that arms smuggling from the US into México has increased…
¡Gracias Aztlán!
Ok, first and foremost my deepest apoligies to Pachuco, who surprisilingly enough, agrees with me that returning territories to proper México contravenes the very fabric of the Xicano ens But señot Martínez, what are you apoligizing for? Sí, that is correct, forget my digressions. It is a custom I drag over from spanish. It is…
for those not in the know
Ana Castillo is blogging, seemingly, full time. Viva Chicago ese! While you are at it go watch a video that my conciudadano Ilich Sabotage made. It’s a fictional account of middle class drug dealers in Tijuana, it’s just as if it were the bare truth ese.
a world wide vision
It did good to distant myself from my Xicanismo. I realize that writing the stuff that I would normally write in spanish in english will be of little appeal to the english blogsphere. There isn’t any interest yet in mixing the problematic of border xicanismo like mine that includes both english and spanish as its…
How Federico Campbell is so dead wrong
One of the characteristics of the 70 year PRI reign in México was its alliances with the cultural elite. If the neocons of the Bush clan in the beginning began to blame the malaise that affected American society on Hollywood only to then raise ’acceptable’ cultural icons at a later stage (for example when elections…
the thing that bothers me about the war the US is waging: the curtailing of civil liberties in the name of the war. Curious how ineptitude on the top always means more repression for those of us on the bottom. Because that is what it is. Government wasn’t inteligent enough to predict an assault on…