Månad: maj 2005
Mayhem on the media
I subscribe to google alerts. I receive news of la raza whenever the words Chicano, Chicana, Xicano and Xicana blip on the radar of the internet galaxy. So far they have been all American newspapers. That’s one, second, a few have come the way of spanish newspapers since the word chicana i sthe same word…
This is not the enlightment
The victories came as Congress, in party-line votes in both chambers, approved a $14 trillion budget resolution for 2006. Jejeje, pardon me, BUT HOW THE HELL does a nation with that kind of budget still have homeless people and children going hungry? First world? My ass!
Ok, am slowly but surely regaining my confidence again on this site, what I will most likely do is keep this crap at a mininum, the blogging part, not my writing, jesus, it feels as if I should be writing about other stuff and not the trauma this crappy tech stuff is causing on my…
de servidores públicos
No cabe duda que la política exterior del sexenio Foxista pasará a la historia como una de las peores en la existencia de la repúblicana mexicana al grado de catalogarse como catástrofe. Ya había mencionado antes aquí que Santiago Creel debería de renunciar por la labor inepta que lleva al mando de esa institución que…