Yonder Lies It

Månad: augusti 2003

  • It’s a very gay day

    ey, no me lo cases – que no es gay? then again I think *everyone is gay* no, really Logovo slash reader/critic, fan and sci-fi savant. Comment taken from the comment box in my Spanish blog of jueves, agosto 14, 2003 titled Random Access Blog microphones I think that as far as the human constitution…

  • El FBI acusa a la BBC de interceder en una dizque investigación. El FBI esta sufriendo una derrota informativa por estos dí­as, el famoso arresto de un sujeto quezque iba a comprar misiles resulto toda una fabricación al estilo del rescate de Jessica Lynch. Y es que hasta los abogados puestos a defender al susodicho…

  • Swedish Highlands

    Rain, icy fresh air and sea sounding, trees as they wavered back and forth with the force of the wind, swaying as they did, producing the sounds of the waves. I like that, despite the fact that am so far away from any shore, these trees reproduce the magic the grey, cloudy days on thousands…

  • Automatic drives

    A potent glow that pulsates within me As I like Atlas continue in this unwilling state Regenerates automatically with new force Threshold my goal of a place I know The pursuit is intricately endless Pointing towards an unknown date A smile on the horizon drags my life Where I can rest this constant restlessness In…

  • Las burras en Suecia

    ¡Cacahuates!  ¡Garapiñados! ¡Paletas Heladas!       – Oiga, ¿va pa’ la Indepe?       – Sí­. El ruido del motor de la burra contribuye al ruidaje común y cotidiano de la aventurilla. Los asientos, si están limpios es que alguien ya se habí­a sentado allí­ o dependiendo de la ruta del bus, polvosos, algunos con las formas…

  • Pensando en California

    Am a Californian not only by heart but by residence as well, I lived under its shadow for over 30 years and my daughter was born in San Diego, California, I grew up in Redwood City for a couple of years and during my younghood I lived, worked and studied at some of its finest…

  • Art 33

    El Informador, un periódico con conexiones dentro del instituto castrense Chapultepec habí­a informado anteriormente la inesperada junta de varios generales a horas muy tarde en el salon Benito Juarez, siendo la persona más notoria, la del General de cinco estrellas, Mendoza Asturias, el cual mandaba la poderosa División del Norte, la que lideró el aquelarre.…

  • Chiapas, Mexico and my thoughts

    One of the things that bothers me about the treatment, from this distant distance in Sweden, and the conditions surrounding the Maya in Chiapas is how little heed the government gives them. All over the western world governments are caving in to the demands, rightful and long over due, of their native inhabitants. In Mexico…

  • Eclesiastés Uno pensarí­a que es una novedad pero lo que estos vatos están haciendo ya lo estaban haciendo en paí­ses como la antigíüa Yugoslavia, con los facistas Laibach y Borghesia. Acá del lado Americano Soviet France saco buenas rolas de protestas como Voice Print Identification del lado más bailable se cuenta the Klinik, son alemanos…

  • Mexican highnoon

    Well, it’s been a sort of Mexicano week this early in august late summer and I don’t know how that fits in there but ‘late summer’ is what the Swedes call august … so yeah, Mexicans came by, all dressed in their scottish skirts and bagpipes, I believe they’re called that over there in those…