The curios thing sobre todo esto es que esta gente incorporates feelings a lo what they say.

Really, quizá sea a TAD old anticuadillo and maybe less latino, pero eso de escribir y luego sentirse offended by lo que se escribió because mangano said this or that de lo que sutano wrote is a bit inmature, frank-ly. It doesn’t contribute to a healthy and productivo debate de ideas … no one asks for proof, just dumb statements and opinions without backing them up como Dios manda y debe de ser.

O-pinion-es are a daime a dozen. A lot of these guys are just riding on their so-called popularity. Markets products y ni siquiera lo saben, blinded …

If there is una cosa I do cuando I write es to take un sana distancia porque se que las words están embrujadas, salen de mi and they take formas like I never imagine hubieran posible haber had. They are not mine because la gente interpreta things other than what I intended. And I certainly don’t get offendido por lo que escribo, prove me wrong and enlighten me, no hay tox homes, porque I’ll be watching your palabras one by una too ..

Sentimentalist escritores … Let la palabra be libre …


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