In 1988 I came across a sort of music that to me was new but which by then it was already old. The genre was Industrial Yet those who made that motley crue bickered over semantics. I came to it as industrial and therefore it stuck to me as industrial music. I remember I went to the record chainstore Tower Records in San Mateo CA. Maybe it still there, and I bought a cassette, Skinny Puppy, at the then exorbitant price of $10.99 US bucks. A song called VX Gas Attack brough to my atention Irak and the kurds. The song stood there, like a petrified tree. In the tape, or Mp3 if you can find one, [the computer age isn’t that advanced to link to mp3’s yet] you can hear the voice of N.OGRE tell of these accounts. Then, I felt with that ’we’ which decried how impassive the government was at the attrocities Irak committed.

Thursday 13 mars 2003

I sit in the kitchen, drinking french wine, eating avocados, tomatos, some ICA fish sticks (they’re cheaper) and Findus Broccoli Mexicana (500 g), I heated some flour tortillas and brought out my chipotle sauce. I spread out Dagens Nyheter and a translated essay calls my attention. A certain Micheal Walzer waltzes into my life. He says: No to war, Yes to Saddam, it isn’t too late for a peaceful solution. However, those who will hinder war must also be ready to pay the price for peace.

Hence the Skinny Puppy anecdote.

Little wonder democratic governments are schizophrenic.