
Today, as I was walking to the computer room from my dorm, (sounds kind of childish considering my age) I couldn’t help noticing how Spring had set its foot on the landscape. Although the trees are still bare and snow remains yet unmelted, the ground is wet and the air fresh rather than cold. Then as I was walking through one of the pathways, the university let itself be seen, and all its wondrous Ralph Erskine arquitecture came into view. However, I was distracted from my thoughts by little rocks coming into my shoes as I walked. This type of gravel is strewn in the midst of winter so that people don’t slipp and fall down. By this time of the year there is so much that at times it is hard to notice the square cement blocks that make the walkway. Then it struck me! I had a great idea, I thought of a big vaccum cleaner, one that could easily be adapted to a medium size truck, say a small Toyota or whatever is in fashion and of medium size nowadays. This sort of truck would then vacuum the gravel. Of course, being the premises of the university big, this would indeed be a wise investment, according to me, since its my idea after all. When the premises would be free of the winter gravel then perhaps it could be rented out, so as to get the return of the investment back, whaddaya think? Its a great idea or what?!

Anyways, am doing fine, life here is at times nothing but body problems. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep last night due to a late dinner and woke up several times during the night with a sort of stomach pain, felt like something was stuck. Of course the thoughts that my mother died of stomach cancer didn’t make themselves wait and started to pester me so that now am considering a medical check up of sorts.

Now to Gertrude, which are things of a delicate nature and serious matters, and it should only be, as the french say, entre nous.

Of recently Gertrude has had several setbacks in her family. Her grandmother fell and broke a hip and since she is to be 90 this year those things aren’t taken lightly and they performed an operation on her. She made it quite well, so that we hope that she’ll be back in her old spirits again after a couple of months. That lady seems quite strong, and everybody now and then make comments about how amazing she is for being the age she is. She does a lot, like the booking for the shop Carl has and so on. I say it’s ’cause of all the preservetives that she takes in, she’s fond of cookies and pastries of all sorts I’ll have you know. Another big setback for that family, for I’ll let you know, I certainly don’t consider them my family, the father has been thrown in jail. He got busted buying cheap CD copies from a crooked salesman from one of the big competitors. The thing is that he is to spend two years in the can, although by any standards, jails here are a vacation compared to the harsh ones that exist back home. He will have a sort of leave permisson from jail after doing two months, and so every week we’ll find him home again. You know, it was one of his own who ratted on him, Gertrude’s sister husband. Its all been a terrible emotional ride for my poor Gertrude who now is suddenly been thrusted into the family business and so on.

Lots of hugs and kisses, take care and don’t forget that we miss you too over here.


Regarding Nick, he has still a lot to learn of family bondage. And am sure there is a lot of him we need to learn too, although am afraid that only time will tell us all.

Yours truly, Richard Dreyfus.

PS: I shall soon be taking a trip to New York, shall we have tea there?